We understand that you are super busy, and probably have more responsibilities than ever before. Many college students find it difficult to rationalize taking down time to do the personal things they enjoy. But sometimes you just need a break. Consider the following questions:
- Do you allow yourself time to take mini-breaks throughout the day?
- Do you talk rationally to yourself and set achievable goals?
- Do you take the time to exercise at least three times a week for a minimum of thirty minutes?
- Do you get enough sunshine? Are you outside everyday for at least 30 minutes, preferably doing something enjoyable?
- Do you allow yourself enough time to complete tasks?
- Do you work cooperatively with folks, rather than competitively?
- Do you have good work habits?
- Do you nurture your friendships, including those you have outside of the college setting?
- Do you keep in touch with your family on a weekly basis?
- Do you allow yourself time, on at least a weekly basis, to draw, read, create music, or otherwise express yourself? Time to just be a kid and “play” is essential!
- Do you spend as much time pleasing yourself as you do helping others?
- Do you surround yourself with positive people?
- Do you set reasonable boundaries?
- Are you eating a well balanced diet?
- Do you drink more than two cups of coffee a day, or get too much caffeine in other ways, such as colas or “energy” drinks?
- Are you getting 7-8 hours of sleep each night?
The One-Minute Stress Reliever:
If you’re feeling a lot of stress, you may need a quick way to unwind. Follow these steps for one-minute stress buster:
- Find a quiet spot. Remain standing.
- Close your eyes.
- Take 10 deep breaths. Breathe in through your nose to a count of 10, and then out through your mouth to a count of eight. Listen to yourself breathe in, and breathe out.
- Try to visualize the color white.
- Take 10 more deep inhalations and exhalations, again listening to your own breathing.
- Roll your head all the way around very slowly, first to the right three times, then to the left three times.
- Take three more deep breaths, then slowly open your eyes.
If you were not able to honestly answer “yes” to most of these questions, you may need to take some time to consider why. Perhaps you are a perfectionist, and have unrealistic or unattainable standards set for yourself. What can you do to fix this? There are plenty of easy ways to make adjustments in your life. Start by talking it over with a good friend or a trusted adult in your life. You need to learn how to take good care of yourself. After all, if you don’t, who will?
Want to Stay Stressed Out?
Here are some surefire ways to remain anxious all the time!
- Eat anything you want, at any time of day.
- Never, under any circumstances, exercise.
- Pull all-nighters on a regular basis.
- Personalize all criticism.
- Avoid all of these strange “new age” relaxation strategies.
- Break off friendships as soon as something doesn’t go your way.
- Make more promises than you can keep.
- Forget your sense of humor.
- Never ask for help.
- Become a workaholic.
- Procrastinate.
- Worry about things you can’t control.
- Never take a vacation.
Take care of yourself…it’s not as hard as you think.
Copyright 2011. Prepared for our institution by PaperClip Communications. www.paper-clip.com