Writing Tutoring
Writing tutors are Rockhurst students trained to help with written assignments, from short reflections to lengthy research papers. Tutors do not simply edit papers, but instead work with you to identify ways to enhance and clarify your writing while meeting the requirements of your assignment. Writing tutors help you with any written assignment for any class. We can even help with graduate school application essays!
How to Meet with a Writing Tutor
We recommend making an appointment with a tutor when you are looking for academic assistance. If you need assistance registering for an account and/or making tutoring appointments, consult our WCOnline Guide for Students or visit the Learning Center in Van Ackeren 200.
Written Feedback
Written Feedback is a service in which you book a writing tutor’s time in WCOnline and the tutor will use that time to type comments and provide feedback to you on your written work. Click here for more details and instructions.
Certified Awesome
The Learning Center is Level III Certified by the College Reading & Learning Association (CRLA), the maximum certification level possible. This means your tutors have been trained rigorously to provide you with the highest level of service, care and mentoring to ensure you thrive in, and out, of the classroom.