Free Tutoring
The Aylward-Dunn Learning Center offers one-on-one peer tutoring for over 80 courses each semester. If we don’t currently have a tutor for your class, we will try to find one for you! Our tutors can help with homework, concept mastery, study skills, exam preparation, language practice, or simply answer any questions you have about your courses and raising your GPA. All our tutors are Rockhurst students who know what it takes to succeed at RU and are ready to help you reach your academic goals.
How to Meet with a Tutor
We recommend making an appointment with a tutor when you are looking for academic assistance. If you need assistance registering for an account and/or making tutoring appointments, consult our WCOnline Guide for Students or visit the Learning Center in Van Ackeren 200.
More options:
Certified Awesome
The Learning Center is Level III Certified by the College Reading & Learning Association (CRLA), the maximum certification level possible. This means your tutors have been trained rigorously to provide you the highest level of service, care and mentoring to ensure you thrive in, and out, of the classroom.
Tutoring FAQs
Who are your tutors?
Our tutors are typically undergraduate students who have been successful in the classes they are tutoring. Tutors must earn an A or B in the classes that they tutor as well as receive faculty recommendations for those courses. Our tutors are extensively trained to help students academically and engage students in learning.
What subjects do you have tutors for?
The courses we tutor for varies from semester to semester. Generally, we staff tutors for most first- and second-year courses, but we also help students in upper-level courses as well. In addition, we can tutor students in study skills and time management.
What if my class isn’t listed?
If your class is not listed, please fill out this form. You may also contact the Learning Center by emailing us at learningcenter@rockhurst.edu, or calling us at 816-501-4052. Please indicate what class you need assistance in and how quickly you need a tutor. We will then try and find a tutor for that class. If we are not able to find a tutor for you, we will let you know.
Who uses the Learning Center?
All students! All types of individuals, from freshman students to graduate students use the Learning Center. Tutoring is for all students of all abilities. If you have an A, we are here to help you keep an A. If you are struggling and just want to pass, we are here to help you do that.
How does tutoring work?
The tutor will begin asking you questions to determine what areas you want to focus on for the session. Instead of just re-lecturing or re-explaining the information, the tutors will work with you to actively learn the material throughout the session. Sessions last about 30 minutes, but you are welcome to set up more appointments as needed.
How many times can I meet with a tutor?
We do not limit the number of appointments each student can make with our tutors, but during busy times we may ask you to limit yourself to two appointments per subject per week.
Can I meet with the same tutor each week?
Yes, but it does not happen automatically. If this is something you are interested in, please talk with your tutor or a Learning Center staff member and we can set that up for you.
How do I set up an appointment?
To make an appointment, visit rockhurst.mywconline.com. If you need assistance registering for an account and/or making tutoring appointments, consult our WC Online Guide for Students or email learningcenter@rockhurst.edu to find out if a tutor is available!
Do you take walk-ins?
Yes, but it all depends if there are tutors available at the time. It is best to schedule an appointment or check online first.
How do I cancel an appointment?
To cancel an appointment, visit rockhurst.mywconline.com. Log in and view your upcoming appointment in the schedule. When you click on that appointment, you will see an option to cancel your appointment. You can cancel up to 60 minutes before your appointment time.
Can my tutor help me with my homework?
Generally, if it is graded, a tutor will avoid helping you with the direct assignment questions. They might assist you with similar questions or concepts to help you understand enough to complete your homework independently. There are some exceptions to this, but a tutor will never give you answers for a graded assignment nor do your homework for you.
Can my tutor help with a take-home test?
Generally, no, unless your professor has given explicit permission for the tutor to do so. The tutor might assist you with similar questions or concepts to help you understand enough to complete your test independently. A tutor will never give you answers for a graded assignment nor complete your test for you.
Can I just drop off my paper and have someone edit it?
No, we do not edit papers. However, we do offer a service called Written Feedback. Essentially, you book a tutor's time and submit your written work, and the tutor will use the time you booked to write comments on part of your work. These comments will help you strengthen your written work, but it is not editing. To learn more about this service, view the Written Feedback page.
Do you have online tutoring?
Yes, please refer to our WC Online Guide for Students for instructions on making an online tutoring appointment.
My professor is offering extra credit or course points for tutoring. How do I get those points?
You will need to schedule tutoring appointments to get these points. Please refer to the questions about scheduling appointments for more details. Note that you will need to come to your session prepared to work with your tutor on class material. After attending your session, you do not need to do anything else to get the points. We will let your faculty member know that you attended.
Do you offer tutoring in the summer?
Yes, but due to low demand, tutoring often looks different. Please reach out to LearningCenter@rockhurst.edu to inquire about summer tutoring options.