Find helpful information and answers to the most common questions about residence life here.
Residence Halls
Will there be someone on site that my son/daughter can go to if there is a problem?
Resident Advisors (RAs), and a Resident Director (RD) live in the Residence Hall with the students. All of the RAs and RDs go through extensive training to prepare them to be a leader for the students. The primary responsibility of Residence Life staff is to facilitate the growth of the residential community and help each student achieve his or her personal and academic goals. The RA's role can be challenging because most of the students for whom they are responsible are away from home for the very first time. Full-time Residence Life staff are also available to support the RAs and provide guidance.
Are there laundry and kitchen facilities in the residence halls?
Yes, there are laundry facilities located in each residential facility. It is free to all residents. There are limited kitchen facilities in the Residence Halls.
What happens if my child has a problem with a washer and/or dryer?
Students may download an app to their phone so they can monitor the washers and dryers in the building and can report any issues. They can also report issues to the Office of Residence Life at 816-501-4663 or stop by our office in Massman 3.
Can my son/daughter have guests overnight or during the day?
Residents may invite guests into the residence hall; however, visitors to the building must sign in at the front desk. In addition, to promote a strong community within our facilities, overnight guest limitations have been put in place for our three residence halls. The Student Handbook outlines the details of the guest policy.
How noisy is it in the residence halls?
At times a residence hall environment may have a higher noise level than an apartment building of comparable size. This results from the fact that a residence hall is a dynamic community of students. Whereas most people in an apartment building remain separate in their own area, students in a residence hall are encouraged to interact for the purpose of making friends, learning, and developing a community on campus. This leads to many benefits and, on occasion, increased noise levels. In an effort to control the amount of noise, standards outlining acceptable noise have been developed and are included in the Student Handbook. The RA's on each floor monitor the community and, from time to time, will step in to ensure that noise remains within acceptable levels.
It should be noted that noise affects each person in a different way. Should a student have a problem with the noise on their hall, it is best to approach their Resident Assistant to explain the problem or to inquire about the Room Change Process with their RD.
What should my son/daughter do if there is a conflict with their roommate?
Nearly every roommate relationship encounters conflict at some point. Hopefully, all of the parties involved can find an equitable solution to the issues at hand. In an effort to reduce conflict within the residence and to promote a positive community, the RAs have been provided with conflict mediation training. If the individuals involved cannot find a solution initially, then it should be brought to the attention of the RA. It should be remembered that everyone involved in the conflict has to work together to provide a lasting solution. Residents are also asked to complete a Roommate Agreement with their roommate and RA during the first few weeks of the new academic year.
Does RU have insurance to cover the loss or damage to my student's property?
All students are responsible for protecting their personal property and ensuring that property is securely maintained. All students who live on campus should understand that the University is not responsible or liable for the loss, theft, or damage of property maintained by the student while living on campus. Students may wish to obtain renter's insurance for the protection of their belongings.
What safety features do the residence halls offer?
Our residence halls have many features that help ensure the safety of all students. There are Resident Assistants, or RAs, who are student staff members that live in the building and go through extensive training to help prepare them for their role. A full-time, live-in professional staff member is also on-call for the RAs 24 hours a day should they need assistance.
Access to the building is provided by electronic access cards that can be deactivated if lost. Individual rooms are accessed through individual room keys. All residence hall rooms are designed to automatically lock when closed. Cameras are located in various areas of the building to monitor hallway activity. Cameras are monitored by Security Staff 24 hours a day. Access to the building is limited to the main entrance, which is staffed by Desk Assistants. Guests must sign in by leaving a photo ID. No unescorted guests will be allowed to enter the building.
Each Residence Hall has Desk Assistants who monitor the front desk to ensure that only residents who live in the building enter and that guests are checked in. The front desk also offers lockout keys, general information, and lobby programming.
What can my son/daughter do if they need immediate help or assistance?
Every floor has an emergency phone that will directly connect them to the Campus Security Department. Students can also contact campus security by calling x4010 on a campus phone or 816-501-4010 on their cell phones.
Is it safe to walk on campus at night?
The Campus Security Department does an excellent job of creating a safe environment. Students can utilize emergency blue phones found throughout campus if they have an emergency. Students can also request a Security escort if they feel unsafe.
How can my son/daughter protect their belongings?
All students are responsible for protecting their personal property and for ensuring that property is securely maintained. All students who live on campus should understand that the University is not responsible or liable for the loss, theft or damage of property maintained by the student while living on campus. Students are strongly encouraged to obtain renter’s insurance for the protection of their belongings.
The University makes an effort to educate students to remove valuables from their cars and to know all guests that are allowed into their rooms. Students should contact Campus Security immediately if they need help or notice something or someone about whom they are unsure.
Does my son/daughter have to purchase a meal plan?
Yes. The contract for all students living in McGee, Corcoran, Xavier Loyola Hall, and the THVs requires students to purchase a meal plan each semester. Students in these locations may not opt out of the meal plan. Rockhurst uses a block and flex dollar system. You may review meal plan options here. Blocks do not carry over from fall to spring semester but flex dollars do. However, flex dollars must be used by the end of the spring semester.
Dining Services During Break Housing:
Residence halls are open during the Fall, Thanksgiving and Easter Breaks, but food service is limited. You may purchase additional flex in $25 increments.
How much does housing cost?
All costs are listed in the Residence Life Housing Contract on eRezLife.
Are refunds issued if my son/daughter decides that living on campus just isn't for him/her?
Students who cancel their housing contract before the completion of the academic year will be charged a $500 cancellation fee. Students are subject a percentage refund and there is no housing refund after the 4th week of classes for any given term.
Will my son/daughter be evicted from the Residence Hall if he/she doesn't keep their grades up?
If a student is not allowed to continue at the University for academic reasons, then they will be required to leave Residence Life as well.
Are the Residence Halls wheelchair accessible?
McGee, Corcoran, and THV have ADA-accessible units. If your student has ADA needs or if you have questions, please contact The Student Accessibility Services Coordinator
We have a loft that we bought for our son/daughter. Can we use it?
No. McGee, Corcoran, and X-L halls are furnished with loft furniture. No outside lofts are allowed to be set up or used in the residence halls.
Can my son/daughter have furniture removed from their room?
No. We do not allow any University furniture to be removed. We suggest that students plan ahead with their roommates concerning what each one will bring to campus. It is sometimes easier to add things later than to try to fit too many things into the room.
Move-In Day and Visits
How do I get to Rockhurst University?
See directions to campus.
On move-in day, will there be people to help us move our son/daughter's items in?
RU has a move-in volunteer program. There will be a limited number of people at residence halls ready and able to assist you. It is recommended that you bring some sort of handcart. McGee Hall is the only hall with an elevator - all other halls will require you to take the stairs.
Is there parking available for residents?
Yes, there is enough parking on campus for all students. There is a parking fee and all students must register their car with Campus Security.
Is there visitor parking?
Visitors may park in any of the lots around campus. Visitors should pick up a visitor's parking tag from Campus Security.
Can I bring the family pet to visit the residence halls?
No. Pets are not allowed in residence halls. This is an effort to keep the environment clean and free of allergens.
What is FERPA?
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, also known as the Buckley Amendment, protects the privacy of student records. The Act provides for the right to inspect and review education records, the right to seek to amend those records and to limit the disclosure of information from the records. The Act applies to all institutions that are the recipients of federal funding. The regulations for FERPA can be found in 34 CFR Part 99.
FERPA applies to students who are currently enrolled in higher education institutions or formerly enrolled, regardless of their age or status regarding parental dependency. Students who have applied but have not attended an institution do not have rights under FERPA.
With certain exceptions, a student has rights of access to those records that are directly related to him/her and that are maintained by an educational institution or party authorized to keep records for the institution. "Education Records" generally include any records in the possession of the institution, which contain information directly related to a student. FERPA contains no requirement that certain records be kept at all. This is a matter of institutional policy and/or state regulation. The records may be handwritten or in the form of print, computer, magnetic tape, e-mail, film, or some other medium. FERPA coverage includes records, files, documents, and data directly related to students. This would include transcripts or other records obtained from a school in which a student was previously enrolled.
My son/daughter is only 17; will he/she be treated differently than someone older?
For the most part, students under the age of 18 will be treated like any other student on campus. However, in certain situations, we will take extra steps for students under 18. For example, parents will be sent a copy of any letters sent to students as a result of Student Code of Conduct violations. Once a student reaches 18, no further letters will be mailed to the parent(s) unless the situation warrants parental notification.
My son/daughter is over 18; will I receive information from the University?
No. Since your child is an adult and FERPA laws govern us, the University may not share information with you unless there is a very serious concern for their safety or welfare. Students may waive the right to privacy by completing a FERPA waiver.
If I am unable to reach my son/daughter, whom should I contact?
You can always contact our Campus Security department at 816-501-4010 if you have a concern about your child.