All Rockhurst University parking lots are posted “permit parking only” and offer only a limited number of parking spaces for those who display a current parking permit (hangtag).
Handicapped accessible stalls are available in different parking lots around campus. A Rockhurst Community Member will need a Rockhurst Parking Permit and an official handicapped plate or placard. A visitor to campus must have a handicapped plate or placard displayed on their vehicle. They may also obtain a temporary parking permit; however, this is not a requirement for the visitor to park in a handicapped spot.
There are some designated parking areas on campus where only the vehicles designated to park there may do so. They are Jesuit Vehicle Parking in the Hopkins Lot, President's Parking Spot, also in the Hopkins Lot, President's Office Parking, and Admissions Office Parking in the Borgia Lot and Official Security Department Vehicle Parking in the DeAcosta Lot.
Motorcycles/mopeds will receive a regular hangtag, but because it cannot be displayed on the vehicle, the Department of Safety and Security will check the state-issued license plate number of the vehicle to ensure it was issued a valid and current hangtag. Motorcycles with current parking permits may park in any parking space in the Rockhurst parking lot system except bicycle racks or where excluded by signage or markings.
Under no circumstances should any unauthorized motorized vehicle drive on or park on any walkway designated for pedestrian travel or conveyance unless prior authorization has been granted in advance by the Department of Safety and Security for such use. This excludes emergency vehicles or University-authorized personnel.
Permit enforcement will be for the academic year only and will not be enforced in the summertime. All non-permit parking violations, i.e., parking on a yellow curb, parking blocking a driving lane or driveway, etc., shall be enforced year-round (including summer).
All motor vehicles parked on university property must display a valid license plate.
Bicycles, mopeds, and scooters are allowed. However, specific guidelines will be in place. Riders must dismount bicycles, mopeds, and scooters at the curbside/sidewalk and walk the device to the nearest bicycle rack for parking. Riders must park the vehicle in a fashion that does not impede the passing of pedestrians or those needing wheelchair access.
Bicycle racks are located at several locations throughout the campus:
- The rear of Rock Row housing units
- The rear (west) side of McGee
- The front entrance of the Science Center
- The north side of Arrupe
- The front (east) side of Van Ackeren
- The northeast corner of Rockhurst Road and Troost (near the north parking garage/bus stop)
- The rear (east) side of Massman Hall near the ramp/loading dock
- The west side of Corcoran
- The rear (north) side of X-L
- The front (east) side of the THV community center
I –Student parking is divided into two areas:
a. The first is general parking and will allow parking in any lot, including the new North Parking Garage when complete and open.
b. The second is for Townhouse Village Parking (within the THV Fence). A THV Permit will also authorize parking in the general parking areas.
c. No vehicle with a Rockhurst Parking Hang Tag of any type will be permitted to park in any visitor parking on campus. A vehicle identified as belonging to a student, faculty or staff member that does not have a current parking permit and is found parked in a visitor parking stall will be ticketed.
d. Handicapped parking can be used by any member of the campus community who is also a user of on-campus parking (student, faculty, or staff ). Campus community members must display a proper university hang tag and an authorized handicapped license plate or placard. In the case of a campus visitor, only a proper handicapped license plate or placard must be displayed
e. The updated student fee for a parking hang tag can be found on our Tuition and Fees page. Additional tags can be purchased for the same per-semester price.
f. A student may wish to purchase one hang tag and use it on any vehicle. If a student uses this TRANSFER method, each vehicle that is available to him/her must be shown on the registration form. Displaying a hang tag on a vehicle that is not registered on that hang tag constitutes an illegal display of the hang tag and can result in a ticket being issued.
g. The hang tag must be displayed from the vehicle's rearview mirror when it is parked on campus. It is not properly displayed if it is located anywhere else in the vehicle.
II – Paying for a permit (hang tag) - STUDENT
a. A student parking fee will be NOT automatically included on a student’s bill. Students must opt-in through their RU portal if they wish to pay for a parking permit. instructions for opting in will be included in the student's billing email. THERE WILL BE NO REFUNDS ON PERMITS AFTER THE STUDENT HAS OPTED INTO A PARKING PERMIT. If a student withdraws before the end of the first full week of class, then the student should bring their drop slip and parking permit to ROCKSTOP in Massman 109 to have the parking fee removed from their account.
b. Hang tags (permits) can be picked up by students during registration. They must register their vehicle by clicking the link at the bottom of this page. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE REGISTERED EVERY VEHICLE YOU WANT TO BE REGISTERED UNDER YOUR PERMIT (HANG TAG) NUMBER. If you receive a new license tag during the period of time your vehicle is registered for a Rockhurst Parking Permit, change your registration with the new License Plate Number and make sure the new number is entered into the parking system. Contact Sgt. Lisa Heinrich ext. 4401 or Ms. Melody Scheiner at ext. 4659 for help.
c. The printed confirmation page will no longer be necessary; your vehicle information will be verified at the Dispatch Office of the Security Department located in the Rockhurst Community Center, 5401 Troost, (main entrance to the campus) when you come to pick up your permit(s). SHOULD YOU LOSE YOUR PARKING PERMIT A REPLACEMENT WILL COST THE FULL SEMESTER AMOUNT.
d. All students will be required to have a hang tag (permit) when using a Rockhurst Parking Stall, regardless of the number of credit hours enrolled in. REMEMBER that in order to park in a university parking lot, a vehicle must be registered and properly display a current hang tag (permit) from the vehicle's rearview mirror anytime it is on campus.
e. IMPORTANT REMINDER: OBTAINING A TEMPORARY PERMIT. Should a student leave his/her permit at home, he/she will need to contact the Dispatch Office at the Security Department for a temporary permit. Verification of the student’s permit status will be made before a temporary permit is issued. DON’T ASSUME THAT PARKING CONTROL WILL KNOW YOU HAVE A PERMIT. YOU WILL RECEIVE A TICKET FOR NOT DISPLAYING A CURRENT PERMIT. f. If friends or family members visit campus, obtain a temporary permit from the Security Dispatch Office. Visitors will need to place the temporary permit in their vehicle, hanging it from the rearview mirror whenever parked on a Rockhurst Parking Lot.
I – Faculty and staff parking
Faculty and Staff parking is considered general parking and is available in all Rockhurst University Parking Lots (except for the Townhouse Village and Rock Row) or those specifically designated areas as outlined in the Introduction to these Parking Regulations. Since there are no specifically designated parking areas for faculty and staff, the permit issued to them will be of a different color and will indicate Faculty/Staff on the hang tag.
a. Faculty/Staff permits will be valid for one year, from August to August. Adjunct faculty will be issued parking permits (student general permits) on a semester-by-semester basis.
b. No vehicle with a Rockhurst Parking Hang Tag of any type will be permitted to park in any designated visitor parking on campus.
c. Handicapped parking can be used by any parking patron (student, faculty/staff) with a proper university hang tag and an authorized handicapped license plate or placard. In the case of a visitor a proper handicapped license plate or placard will be properly displayed.
II – Paying for a hang tag (permit) – FACULTY/STAFF
a. The faculty/staff fee for a parking hang tag will be $250.00 per year. Faculty/staff pay by the year, not by the semester. Adjunct faculty parking permits are free, but do require the faculty member to register their vehicle.
b. If a faculty/staff member wishes to purchase an additional hang tag it will cost an additional $250.00 per year. Adjunct faculty members can only acquire one permit.
c. ONE HANG TAG FOR MULTIPLE VEHICLES. A faculty/staff member, including adjunct faculty may wish to purchase only one hang tag and use it on more than one vehicle. If a faculty/staff member wishes to use the TRANSFER METHOD, each vehicle that is available to him/her must be shown on the registration form. Displaying a hang tag on a vehicle that is not registered to that hang tag constitutes an illegal display of the hang tag and can result in a ticket being issued for that violation. Just having the additional vehicle listed on the vehicle registration form is not sufficient; IT MUST BE PROPERLY DISPLAYED IN THE VEHICLE THAT IS BEING PARKED ON CAMPUS AT ANY TIME. IF IT IS NOT A TICKET WILL BE ISSUED FOR FAILURE TO DISPLAY A CURRENT PERMIT.
d. The hang tag must be displayed by hanging it from the vehicle's rear view mirror EVERY TIME the vehicle is parked on campus. Be sure the hang tag is properly displayed before exiting your vehicle.
e. Rockhurst has established a Parking and Transportation Reimbursement Plan which will allow employees to deduct the parking fee from their paycheck on a pre-tax basis, similar to the Flexible Spending Accounts for dependent care and medical expenses. Pre-tax plan payroll deductions will be $12.50 per pay period for 20 pay periods, from September to May. For adjunct faculty the deduction will be for $50.00 and will be taken from the first pay check received for the semester. If a faculty/staff member, including adjunct faculty wishes to participate in the plan they must present their signed payment form authorizing payroll deduction and their registration form to the Security Office which will allow them to receive a hang tag (permit). A link to this form is displayed at the end of this vehicle registration information.
f. Employees who do not wish to participate in the pre-tax plan will be able to purchase their hang tag with cash or check in the Finance & Human Resources Office, Conway 102. A payment receipt will be issued, which must be taken to the Security Office and presented to the dispatcher, who will verify vehicle registration information and issue a hang tag permit to you.
g. As in the past, faculty and staff will be able to register their vehicle/s online prior to the Fall Semester in early August by clicking the link at the bottom of these regulations. After reading these regulations, click on the sentence at the very bottom of them to indicate your agreement with them. You will then be able to register your vehicle/s. A printed confirmation page will no longer be necessary in order to pick up a permit. Should you lose your hang tag the cost of a replacement will be $250.00 for faculty/staff and $50.00 for adjunct faculty.
h. All faculty and staff who park in a Rockhurst Parking Lot will be required to have a hang tag (permit) in their vehicle (hanging from their vehicles rear view mirror), regardless of whether they are full, part time or adjunct.
i. Should a faculty/staff member leave his/her permit at home, they need to go to the Security Department Dispatch Office in the Community Center at 5401 Troost and get a temporary permit. Verification of the permit status by security will be made before issuing a temporary permit. If there are visitors coming to your department, contact the security department secretary who will advise you on how to make up a temporary permit for these visitors and guests. This will be a paper permit that must be displayed on the dashboard of the visitor’s car. These permits can be made up and sent to the visitors prior to their visit. Other arrangements can be made with the security department secretary at ext. 4659 for pick up of these temporary permits or for the use of a standard university temporary parking permit.
Rockhurst University provides a limited number of permit parking only spaces to the members of the campus community. Each parking area on campus is posted for permit parking only. Both angled and parallel parking on Rockhurst Rd. is non- permit parking because it is on the city street. A vehicle displaying a current university parking permit (hang tag) from the rear view mirror, allows that vehicle to park on a campus lot. The color of the permit coincides with the written designation of Student General, Student THV or faculty and staff for the current permit period. POSSESSION AND PROPER DISPLAY OF A PARKING PERMIT DOES NOT GUARANTEE THAT A PARKING SPACE WILL BE AVAILABLE FOR AN AUTHORIZED VEHICLES USE. With the revenue generated by the parking fees, current parking lots will be maintained and the university will be able to provide additional parking in the future.
a. In order to make sure that as many parking spots are as available as possible to those displaying current permits, enforcement of existing parking regulations is essential. Rockhurst has a parking violation system in place that allows for the writing of violation tickets for indicated violations, such as: No Valid Permit Improperly displayed Permit Parked in handicapped stall (City parking violation can also be written)
- Parked in a no parking zone
- Parked in a reserved or designated space
- Parking in 2 spaces
- Blocking a driveway
- Parked facing the wrong way
- Parked in wrong color permit area,
- Other (these would be violations in accord with the parking ordinances of Kansas City, Mo.)
b. The fine for a Rockhurst Parking Violation Ticket is $75.00. The fine must be paid to the Rockhurst Security Department within 10 working days from the DATE IT WAS ISSUED.
c. An appeal can be filed within 10 working days of the date of the ticket. No appeal will be considered after this cut-off date. Individuals can file an appeal at the Security Department (Community Center Building 5401 Troost). Appeal forms can be obtained at the Dispatch Office in the Security Building.
d. Failure to pay the fine or file an appeal within 10 working days will result in an additional $5.00 fine per week being added to your original fine of $25.00.
e. SPECIAL NOTE ON UNPAID PARKING TICKETS: Should a vehicle receive three (3) tickets and those tickets go unpaid, for any violation , a wheel immobilizer “BOOT” will be placed on one wheel of the vehicle-this will prevent the vehicle from moving. In order to get the “BOOT” removed a person will have to come to the Security Department, pay a $75.00 wheel immobilizer removal fee, all back fines, including the accrual of $5.00 per unpaid week. Only after payment of these fines will the “BOOT” be removed.
f. Parking violation fees are considered legal obligations to the University. Failure to pay a parking fine for any violation can result with the fee being placed on a student’s account. All parking fines must be paid for eligibility to receive a diploma, if graduating, and/or for release of transcripts.
g. Rockhurst is private property. As such any vehicle that is parked on our property, unauthorized, i.e., no permit, failure to pay fines, no valid license plates, abandoned etc., could be subject to ticketing and towing by the Kansas City, Mo. Police Department; after the university signs a complaint to that effect. REMEMBER: If several vehicles are registered on one hang tag (permit), make sure the hang tag is properly displayed in the vehicle being parked on campus.
Rockhurst University uses the hang tag style parking permit. This allows for the registration of several vehicles on one permit by simply moving the permit from one vehicle to another. Motorcycles and mopeds will be issued a permit (hang tag). It need not be displayed because it would be easy to steal. However, parking control personnel will check license information to make sure the cycle is registered and does have a permit issued to it.
a. Rockhurst University Parking Permits (hang tags) are divided as follows: Student General Parking Student THV Parking Faculty/Staff Parking
b. The student hang tags for General Parking and Townhouse Village Parking will change by semester. An expiration date appears at the bottom of each permit. Fall Semester hang tags will expire on Dec. 31 of each year. Spring Semester hang tags will expire on May 31 of each year. Each permit will bear an individual number that identifies one or a group of registered vehicles to that number. Each number has a letter prefix indicating Fall or Spring Semester for students and AO-All Other for faculty and staff. The student hang tags indicate either Student General or Student THV, with the expiration date. Different colors are another indicator of students (general/THV) and the semester they are good for, or faculty/staff for the year that they are good for.
c. The faculty/staff hang tags for general parking access are good for one year. The authorized dates will be from August of one year to August of the next year.
d. Each hang tag has a Holographic Foil strip on it. This provides a high level of security making the hang tags extremely counterfeit resistant. This foil strip is made exclusively for the company that we purchase our permits from and cannot be purchased from any other source or by any other buyer.