Rockhurst University provides on-campus parking for students, staff, faculty, and visitors in designated parking areas. The University is not responsible for any damage to, theft from, or theft of vehicles parked on University property. These things are the sole responsibility of the vehicle owner or operator. Vehicles parked in violation of the University’s Parking Policy may be ticketed, towed away, or immobilized at the owner’s expense. The University is not liable for damage to a vehicle resulting from towing or immobilization.
The University recommends that drivers take every reasonable precaution to prevent theft and vehicle damage. Such measures include, but are not limited to:
- Do not leave your keys in your car.
- Close all vehicle windows (including sunroof).
- Lock all vehicle doors.
- Refrain from leaving valuables such as purses, laptops, or backpacks containing valuables in plain sight.
- Do not leave your car running and unattended, even for short periods of time
- Park in University-designated parking areas only.
- When choosing where to park, particularly near the athletic fields, be mindful of the potential risk of accidental damage due to batted or kicked balls.
If a theft or vehicle damage occurs while parked on University property, contact Rockhurst University Campus Security for reporting and investigative purposes.
For questions regarding this policy, please contact Dane Fuhrman, Chief Financial Officer, at 816-501-4862.
Parking Policy
Parking on University parking lots is by permit only Rockhurst University provides a limited number of parking spaces. In order to park in any parking lot, a Rockhurst University Parking Permit Hang Tag must be displayed in the vehicle. Vehicles parked on a Rockhurst Lot without a regular or visitor permit will be ticketed. The following Parking Rules are enforced 24 hours a day:
Parking and Permit Hang Tag Rules
- Parking Permit Hang Tags are to be displayed on the rearview mirror anytime a vehicle is parked on a University Lot.
- All students and employees are required to apply/register any and all vehicles that may be parked in University Lots. Students will assume the responsibility for violations incurred on family vehicles even if they are not in direct control of the vehicle at the time of the violation.
- If you drive a rental vehicle or have a temporary vehicle on campus, see the Safety and Security Department for a temporary Parking Permit Hang Tag.
- When you change vehicles, see the Safety and Security Department Website to update your vehicle information.
- If you lose your Parking Permit Hang Tag, you will be required to purchase a new one at full semester cost. No exceptions!
- You must have a valid Parking Permit Hang Tag to park on campus property during the traditional academic year; there is no permit enforcement during the summer terms.
- No parking is allowed in a designated handicapped parking stall unless the vehicle displays a state-issued handicapped license plate or hang tag. The Safety and Security Department cannot issue you a temporary handicapped permit. If you have a temporary disability, contact the Director of Security for assistance.
- No parking in a reserved or designated parking space, unless authorized to do so.
- No parking in a wrong color permits area.
- No parking facing the wrong way on University controlled streets.
- No blocking driveway entrances.
- No parking in NO PARKING ZONES – this includes YELLOW CURBS!
- No parking in two parking stalls.
- If you have a special situation please contact Security before just parking on campus. The situation will be handled, but Security must be called for direction.
Parking Violation Fees
It shall be the responsibility of the faculty member, student or employee receiving a notice of parking violation to pay the $25.00 fee within ten days of its receipt. Failure to pay the fine within the 10-day period will result in an additional fine being added to the original fine for this violation. For each week after the initial 10 days that the violation is not paid an additional fine will accrue to the violation. Should the violation not be paid in the designated time frame the total fine will continue to rise every week. An appeal can be filed within the first 10 working days after the violation is issued. Fines will not continue to rise until a determination has been made as to whether your appeal is successful in having your violation dismissed or not. If the appeal is denied, you will be required to pay the charge immediately. Failure to pay the fine within 5 working days of notification of appeal denial will result in the accrual of fines, every week, until the fine is paid. At the main campus, appeal forms can be picked up at the Safety and Security Department located at 5401 Troost or at the Massman Hall Switchboard.
Parking violation fees are considered to be legal obligations to the University. Pay all violation and penalty fees at the Safety and Security Department located at 5401 Troost. Payments can be mailed to the main campus address at the attention of Safety and Security Department. Cash or checks are accepted. Make checks payable to “Rockhurst University.” All payments must be accompanied by the corresponding parking violation. Failure to pay fees will result in having the fee amount applied to your student account in the Business Office. In case of an employee, the fee amount will be withheld from your paycheck.
Violations resulting in being ticketed are:
- No valid Parking Permit Hang Tag
- Blocking a Driveway
- Improperly displayed permits
- Parked facing the wrong way on University controlled streets
- Unauthorized parking in a handicapped stall
- Parked in a No Parking Zone
- Unauthorized parking in a Reserved or Designated stall
- Parking in two parking stalls
- Parking in the wrong colored permit area
For a full outline of all parking permit instructions as well as parking violations see the Web Site or pick up a copy of these from the Security Department.
Contact Security at ext. 4659 for parking information.