Rockhurst University works diligently to provide a safe and secure atmosphere for all campus community members and guests. The Office of Safety and Security and the Crisis Management Work Group conduct routine training and preparedness exercises to enhance the University's response capacity. You can help us by staying informed about our emergency responses and knowing how you should act if an emergency were to occur. You can:
- Search for the Rock U Safe app on the iOS or Android app stores. Then, log in to the app using your university credentials.
- Listen for messages from the Rockhurst bell tower.
- Keep your emergency contact information current. Students, faculty, and staff should log in to the Rockhurst University portal and click on "My Info." If needed, click "edit" to update their cell phone numbers.
- In an emergency, remain calm and think clearly. Be prepared to follow directions from local law enforcement, Rockhurst Security, members of the Crisis Management Team or Residence Life staff.
- Don't crowd around the scene of an accident or emergency unless you have been asked to provide help.
Campus Security: Use a security red phone, code blue phone or dial 4010 on any campus phone. Off campus, call 816-501-4010.
Directory: 816-501-4000 or dial 0 from a campus landline.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are Rock Alerts?
The University will issue emergency alerts by email and text message in the event of school closings and emergency messages. You may also receive automated tornado warning messages for Jackson County, Missouri, when the National Weather Service issues them.
Please check your wireless plan for any fees you might be charged for receiving text messages.
How do I sign up for alerts?
Members of the campus community — students, faculty, and staff — are opted-in to emergency alert messages with the primary contact information on file in the Banner record-keeping system. Individuals should review this information to ensure that it is current and accurate. Faculty and staff can sign into the portal and select "My Info" in the same name box to view their current records on file and add or update their contact information. Click the "primary" box for the appropriate mobile number to receive Rock Alerts at that number. Contact security for assistance.
When will I get alerts?
You will get emergency alerts for several reasons. If the campus has to cancel classes or close for any reason, you will be notified via emergency alert. Similarly, you will be notified if there is an emergency situation on campus – a fire, intruder, threat or something similar.
What is RockU Safe?
You can report campus safety issues directly to the Department of Safety and Security right from your smartphone using the RockU Safe mobile application. Download the app free for iOS or Android operating systems and call Security at 816-501-4010 to obtain our campus code. You will then be able to send photos and reports — anonymously, if you choose — and check on reports submitted previously to security.
What are the red/blue phones on campus for?
The red and blue phones around campus will connect you directly to security. Use these phones if you need to report an emergency, feel unsafe or notice something suspicious. The security officer will take the appropriate action to assist you.
Red phones are located inside and outside campus buildings. Blue phones are located in the parking lots and along pedestrian walkways.
Who should I call in an emergency?
Call security immediately. Pick up a red or blue phone on campus or dial 4010 from a campus landline. An officer will be able to help you. From your cell phone, call 816-501-4010.
What if I want to talk to a security officer in a non-emergency situation?
Our security officers are available to walk Rockhurst employees and students to their cars if they feel unsafe. They will also respond appropriately to suspicious persons or activities. So if you are feeling uncomfortable, even if it is not an emergency, contact security via the red or blue phones or by dialing 4010 from a campus land line. If you are off campus or using your cell phone, call 816-501-4010.
What should I do if there is a fire?
Pull the fire alarm.
Then notify Security by red or blue phone, dialing 4010 from a campus landline, or calling 816-501-4010 from your cell phone.
Follow the evacuation plans posted in campus buildings. Go to the nearest exit or stairs. Do not use the elevators. If smoke is present, remain low to the ground during evacuation.
What should I do if someone is sick or injured?
Do not move the injured person unless absolutely necessary.
Notify security by red phone, code blue phone, dialing 4010 from a campus landline, or calling 816-501-4010 from your cell phone.
Give the victim's exact location (building and room number), the apparent nature of illness or injury, and your name and phone number. Remain with the person until assistance arrives.
What should I do if there is an intruder?
Evacuate the building and take protective cover, notifying anyone you encounter on the way out.
If you cannot exit the building, go to the nearest room and lock the door if possible. Take protective cover and keep quiet. Wait for Rockhurst Security or the city police. When directed, follow the Run, Hide, Fight protocol.
If you can make a phone call without attracting attention, contact Security: 4010 from a campus phone or 816-501-4010 from a cell phone. You can also send a text message to a friend and ask that person to make the call.
What should I do if there is a tornado?
If city sirens sound, take shelter in the lowest level of the building, away from windows and doors.
Rockhurst Security officers will circulate through campus buildings and tell people to seek immediate shelter. If you hear a siren, seek shelter immediately and do not wait for an officer.
Residence hall staff will notify residents through the public address system. Students living in Town House Village should monitor their phones, watch local news reports, and listen for city tornado sirens. All students in University housing must take immediate shelter when a tornado siren is activated, a tornado warning is issued by the National Weather Service, or instructed by University personnel.
Remain in the sheltered area until an all-clear signal is given.