Ready to Assist
The Greenlease Library staff can assist you with research, resources and information searches. Utilize the options below or contact us for more information.
Library Research Services
Faculty Resources
Feel free to link URLs directly to your Canvas page or share them with students who may want access to these resources.
Scholarly Communications
These encompass the entire cycle of scholarship – 1) research, data collection & analysis, 2) authoring, 3) peer review, 4) publication, 5) discovery & dissemination.
Ask a Librarian
Chat with a librarian. A reference assistant is available 24/7.
Interlibrary Loan
If your desired resource is not available, Greenlease Library belongs to MOBIUS, a consortium of around 80 libraries that shares a "union catalog" and a courier delivery service.
Library Policies
Collection Development, Library Donations, and Government Documents Collection Development policies.
Forms & More
Recommend an Item for Purchase
Recommend books, ebooks, and videos that would be a one-time purchase to add to Greenlease Library's collection.
Library Instructional Request
Request library instruction for one of your classes this semester.
Place Items on Reserve
Course reserves are materials kept near the circulation desk for specific courses and instructors.
Research Consultation Request
Meet one-on-one with a librarian, who will work with you on what you need for your specific project.