The University strives to balance the concerns for the health and safety of individual students with those of the larger campus community. When a student’s conduct is disruptive or dangerous to University operations and/or a student’s continued presence on campus or participation in an educational program/activity of the University presents a direct threat to the health, safety and well-being of the student and/or the Rockhurst community and its members, the University may intervene. When warranted, the following conduct may result in evaluations, team assessments, interim measures, emergency removals, and/or voluntary or involuntary withdrawals:
- Causing physical harm to oneself and/or any member of the Rockhurst community, on or off University premises, at University-sponsored activities, or threatening such harm.
- Engaging, or threatening to engage, in behavior that poses an immediate danger to the life, health, welfare, safety or property of oneself and/or any member of the Rockhurst community.
- Engaging in behavior that disrupts or interferes with normal University operations or University-sponsored activities including, but not limited to, studying, teaching, University administration, security, fire, police or emergency services, or behavior that consumes an inordinate amount of Rockhurst employee time and/or resources.
When behavior indicates a significant health, safety or welfare concern, this concern should be reported by University employees or students to the Student Success Coach, Security, or the Dean of Students (and the Dean of the College if the concern occurs within the academic setting). Means for communication will include an online report (under Disruptive and/or Dangerous Behavior) or contacting Security. For all immediate and after-hours (i.e. after 4:30 p.m. weekdays, weekend days, and holidays) concerns, please call Security (816-401-4010). Statements of concern regarding disruptive and/or dangerous behavior should be shared in a factual manner. Rockhurst will employ a team approach to determine the nature of the risk and any measures that can be taken to manage the risk. The University will make these determinations as the result of an individualized assessment. The University will first seek the voluntary cooperation of an affected student, but, if necessary, will take involuntary action.
Individualized Assessment
The purpose of an assessment is to inform decisions about the student’s future participation in Rockhurst’s programs and to analyze the level of risk the student poses to the health, safety and well-being of oneself and/or the Rockhurst community. The University will make an individualized assessment, based on reasonable judgment that relies on current medical knowledge and the best available objective evidence to ascertain the following: the nature, duration, and severity of the risk; the probability that the potential injury will actually occur; and whether reasonable modifications of policies, practices or procedures or, where applicable, the provision of auxiliary aids and services, may mitigate the risk.
When a student is referred to the Student Success Coach (or designee) for behavior listed in items 1-3, above, the student is required to meet with the Student Success Coach who also may include Counseling Center or other relevant administrative staff in the meeting. The Student Success Coach or other University administrative staff may recommend that the student obtain a psychological evaluation with a licensed mental health professional through an approved agency, institution or practitioner external to the institution pending other action. Recommendations and approvals regarding the evaluation venue will be made on a case-by-case basis.
The Student Success Coach will convene a Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT) that will be composed of appropriate University officials. A student engaging in an evaluation will be required to sign a release of information authorizing the BIT to access evaluation results and to discuss these results with the health care professional conducting the evaluation as needed. The BIT will meet with the student and the student will have the opportunity to provide documents or other information related to the team’s assessment. If the student does not provide information or does not submit to a recommended evaluation, the BIT will proceed with the documents or information available. The BIT will consider what health, safety or welfare concerns the student’s behavior raises and whether the risks associated with those concerns can be managed by modifications, support measures, or accommodations. The BIT may require a Student Success Plan (an agreement between the University and student) that may include, but are not limited to, consultations and treatment with health care professionals, restrictions on participation in Rockhurst programs, etc. The student will be required to sign a statement authorizing the University to monitor compliance the Student Success Plan and the conditions of the student’s continued participation in educational programs and activities of the University, including living in the residence halls and attending classes. If the BIT determines the student poses a risk to the life, health, welfare, safety or property of the student and/or any member of the University’s community and that the risk cannot be mitigated by modifications, support measures, or accommodations, the student may be required to take a medical leave or voluntary/involuntary withdrawal.
The Chief Inclusion Officer (or designee), upon written request from the student, will review any final decisions made by the BIT. The request should be made within five (5) days of being notified of the BIT’s decision. The Chief Inclusion Officer will complete the review within fifteen (15) days of receipt of the student’s request, if practical. The student waives this right to appeal if the student agrees with the conditions of the behavioral contract and/or agrees to voluntarily withdraw for a period of time. The decision of the Chief Inclusion Officer is final.
Return Requirements
Following a determination that an individual poses a risk to the health, safety and well-being of oneself and/or any member of the Rockhurst community necessitating a medical leave or voluntary or involuntary withdrawal, the University may require as a precondition to a student’s return that the student provide documentation that the student has taken steps to mitigate the previous behavioral concerns and is safe and healthy enough to return to a full or modified curricular and/or co-curricular engagement. The University may request records from the student and permission to speak to a treating professional. The records and information that will be requested and required are determined on a case-by-case basis depending on what information is necessary to determine whether the student is able to return and fulfill the fundamental requirements of curricular and co-curricular life.
Updated: July 8, 2019