Based on its clean lines, rounded figures and friendly appearance, the Freight Font Family has been chosen as Rockhurst University’s typeface. This singular font family contains Sans, Text and Sans Compressed, which gives versatility to our typography without compromising consistency.
The round, circular shapes of the Freight family characters echo the round icon and lettering in the University logo, and the approachability of the typeface represents Rockhurst’s warm and welcoming vibe. Each style includes six weights, small capitals, fractions, standard ligature, lining and oldstyle figures and more, and supports over 90 languages.
NOTE: Freight font family is available for free download through Adobe Fonts via Creative Cloud.

Typography Usage
Headers should use a combination of Freight Text in medium italic, semi-bold italic or bold italic paired with Freight Sans or Freight Compressed in medium, semi-bold or bold all caps. Black weights should be used sparingly.
Body Copy:
Body copy should almost always be set in Freight Sans Book or Medium, using semi-bold or bold to emphasize important information. Light weight may be used for body copy in certain scenarios, but the delicate nature of it can make it difficult on the eyes, so it should be used sparingly and in high contrast without background texture or noise. Freight Sans Compressed may be used when space dictates the need for a condensed font, or when variety is needed for a graphic element. Body copy text should never exceed 12 pt. size or go below 9 pt. size. Whenever a piece is produced in full-color, always use Founder’s Blue for body copy in place of black.
Default Fonts:
When Freight is not available, Arial and Georgia are the default fonts for sans-serif and serif usage, respectively. These fonts are available on both Mac and PC.
Line Length:
Try to keep each line of a communication no longer than the width of two alphabets in a row. This helps with readability, as too long of lines can cause reader fatigue. Do not use hyphenation in body copy at line breaks, unless it is a naturally hyphenated word. Ensure that you do not leave “widows” (a lone word that appears at the bottom of a paragraph) or “orphans” (a singular line or word that appears at the top of a page or column).