If a student has a dispute with a Rockhurst administrator, faculty member, staff member, or other employee relating to disability services, including any complaint that the student has been discriminated against because of his or her disability, the student may follow these procedures:
Students are encouraged, but not required, to make a sincere attempt to resolve the prob-lem through discussions with the other party.
If the student is unable to resolve the problem with the other party or has opted not to make such an attempt, then the student should meet with the SAS Coordinator to discuss the problem and possible ways to resolve the problem. The student should schedule a meet-ing with the SAS Coordinator within 14 days of the event leading to the dispute.
The SAS Coordinator will work with the Rockhurst administration, faculty member, staff member, or other employee to solve the issue. The SAS Coordinator can also include the Senior Director of Student Success in the meetings and investigation.
If a student would like to appeal a declined accommodation or feels they have been wronged by the Student Accessibility Services process, the student may follow these procedures:
Students are encouraged, but not required, to make a sincere attempt to resolve the problem through discussions with the other party.
If the student is unable to resolve the problem with the other party or has opted not to make such an attempt, then the student should meet with the SAS Coordinator to discuss the problem and possible ways to resolve the problem. The student should schedule a meeting with the SAS Coordinator within 14 days of the event leading to the dispute.
If the SAS Coordinator and the student are unable to resolve the problem, the student may file an appeal with the Senior Director of Student Success. The written appeal must specify the nature of the dispute and any prior attempts to resolve the matter. The written complaint should be filed within 14 days of the meeting with the SAS Coordinator.
The Senior Director of Student Success will conduct an investigation. As part of that investigation, the student and the other party may be asked to identify any witnesses (if necessary) and to submit any other evidence they wish to be considered. The Senior Director of Student Success will complete the investigation within 30 days of receiving the written complaint from the student, if practical.
The Senior Director of Student Success will review accommodation requests and supporting documentation along with any other witnesses or evidence provided.
A determination will be made and the student will be notified. If the student does not agree with the appeal determination, they may write a final formal appeal to the Vice President of Academic Affairs/Provost.
If the student's dispute is with Student Accessibility Services personnel, the student should file a written complaint with the Senior Director of Student Success.