Documentation Guidelines
- A qualified healthcare professional with appropriate credentials and relevant expertise must provide the diagnosis. Documentation should include the following information about the professional:
- Name, title, professional credentials, and area of specialization
- Documentation should be current- i.e., completed within the:
- Last 5 years for learning disabilities (LD), attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autism or autism spectrum disorder (ASD), intellectual disability (ID)
- Last 12 months for psychiatric disabilities (non-exhaustive list): anxiety and panic disorders, concussion, depressive disorders, eating disorders (ED), obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), personality disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
- This requirement does not apply to physical or sensory disabilities of a permanent or unchanging nature
- Documentation should include:
- A specific diagnosis, date of diagnosis, and length of contact with the student
- A description of the diagnostic testing done to determine the diagnosis (if relevant to the disability)
- A description of symptoms which meet the criteria for the diagnosis
- Documentation should include an interpretative summary, which:
- Satisfactorily verifies the substantial limitation of one or more major life activities, based on the disability
- Indicates how accommodations would mediate symptoms
- Documentation should be submitted on the official letterhead of the service provider.
SAS relies on documentation from appropriate licensed professionals but will accept alternative documentation in some instances, including an Individual Education Plan (IEP), 504 plan, Summary of Progress (SOP) or other specific information about a student’s education and accommodation history. The student will bear the cost of obtaining documentation. If the initial documentation is incomplete or inadequate, and the student interview does not provide the relevant information needed to make a determination, SAS will have the discretion to request additional information focused on providing the clarification needed to provide the student with reasonable accommodations.
Submit documentation via email, fax, mail, or delivery in person:
Email: sas@rockhurst.edu
Fax: (816)501-4822
Office: 1100 Rockhurst Road, Van Ackeren 200 F- Student Accessibility Services, KCMO 64110
If you encounter a barrier while attempting to access the documentation our office requests, please email sas@rockhurst.edu, explain your situation, and someone will be in contact to assist you.