The major in business communication is an interdisciplinary Bachelor of Arts degree requiring upper-division coursework in communication, business and journalism.

Program Overview
The Bachelor of Arts in Business Communication also requires two semesters of college-level study of one language other than English. This requirement may be fulfilled by completing two semesters of college-level literature in one language other than English. In either case, these two courses must be taken for college credit.
Communication (6 hours): Six hours of upper-division courses are required.
Writing (12 hours): The upper-division writing requirements include courses in communication and journalism.
Business (9 hours): Required coursework in business includes a total of three courses or nine hours. It is recommended, though not required, that the three courses come from one of three areas within the business component: public relations, advertising, and communication; international communication; and managerial communication.
Business communication majors are required to compete in either the Dowling Oratory Contest or the Bourke Extemporaneous Speaking Contest to complete major requirements. A grade of C or better is required in each upper-division course required for the major. (A grade of C- will not satisfy the requirement).
Note: Most upper-division courses have prerequisites that may require additional coursework.
Learning outcomes
Graduates who earn a bachelor's degree from Rockhurst's College of Business & Technology are equipped with the following:
- Leadership: Graduates exhibit skills in personal responsibility, awareness of self and others, ability to work effectively in groups, and the ability to foster positive team dynamics.
- Ethical Behavior and Corporate Social Responsibility: Graduates identify and analyze personal ethical problems to propose and defend an appropriate course of action, and identify and analyze issues in corporate social responsibility to propose and defend an appropriate course of action
- Business Skills and Knowledge: Graduates define, describe and demonstrate foundational business knowledge.
- International/Global: Graduates integrate relevant cultural, social, political, historical, geographic and environmental factors into the analysis of business issues and the development of an appropriate course of action.
- Information Analysis and Application: Graduates identify, access and analyze relevant quantitative and qualitative information to develop, select and evaluate appropriate courses of action.
- Communication: Graduates produce and deliver effective written products and oral communications in a variety of contexts using effective technologies.
Public Relations
Technical Writer
Human Resources Officer
Marketing Consultant
News Analyst
Internal Communications Manager
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