The Rockhurst University Master of Education prepares educators with a solid background in their chosen field of study who are knowledgeable and competent in the craft of teaching and who bring well-informed perspectives to bear on educational policies and practices. Our Masters in Education helps students engage in the Rockhurst tradition of preparing men and women for and with service to others.


Students earning a Master of Education degree will analyze alternatives in curricula, evaluate teaching methodologies and assessment strategies and consider the implications of such alternatives for a multicultural society. This education masters program provides rigorous coursework, varied field experiences, and service-learning projects. It’s more than a teaching degree – students acquire a deep understanding of, and special sensitivity to, the challenges and rewards of leading in an educational setting.
The Master of Education program accommodates busy schedules with classes offered face-to-face, blended, and online. All courses start at 5 p.m., allowing students to work part-time or full-time day jobs. Field experiences and service-learning projects may require some scheduling flexibility, however.
Our program offers a Master of Education with Initial Teacher Certification in elementary, secondary, and special education.
Education Student Learning Outcomes
Missouri Teaching Standards convey the expectations of performance for professional teachers in Missouri. The standards are based on teaching theory indicating that graduates become effective teachers who:
- Are caring, reflective practitioners and lifelong learners.
- Continuously develop knowledge and skills.
- Supply good professional judgment and use the Missouri Standards for the Preparation of Educators to inform and improve their own practice.
- Mature and strengthen their skills throughout their career.
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What Can I Do with a Master of Education?
Our master's degree in secondary education certification is designed for those interested in teaching at the 9-12 grade levels. Choose from the following certifications:
Course Requirements:
History and Philosophy of Science and Technology, 3 credit hours
Biology, 20 credit hours including:
- Cell Biology
- Plant Form and Function
- Animal Form and Function
- Genetics
- Evolution
- Biology Electives
Science, 12 additional credit hours including:
- Chemistry
- Physics
- Earth Science
- Environmental Science
ED 6010 Foundations of Education, 2 credit hours
ED 6020 Fundamentals of Literacy Learning, 3 credit hours
ED 6030 Technology and Education: Applications and Implications, 3 credit hours
ED 6150 Field Experiences and Action Research, 3 credit hours
ED 6260 Teaching Middle and Secondary School Science, 3 credit hours
ED 6400 Advanced Psychological Foundations, 3 credit hours
ED 6450 Foundations of Special Education, 3 credit hours
ED 6500 Curriculum, Methods, and Assessment in Secondary Education, 3 credit hours
ED 6620 Foundations of Classroom Management, 2 credit hours
ED 6700 Methods of Assessment and Instruction for Remedial Readers, 3 credit hours
ED 7850 Graduate Student Teaching in the Secondary School, 9 credit hours
ED 7900 Graduate Student Teaching Seminar, 3 credit hours
Course Requirements:
History and Philosophy of Science and Technology, 3 credit hours
Chemistry, 20 credit hours including:
- Inorganic Chemistry
- Analytical Chemistry
- Organic Chemistry with lab
- Physical Chemistry
- Biochemistry
- Chemistry Electives
Science, 12 additional credit hours including:
- Chemistry
- Physics
- Earth Science
- Environmental Science
ED 6010 Foundations of Education, 2 credit hours
ED 6020 Fundamentals of Literacy Learning, 3 credit hours
ED 6030 Technology and Education: Applications and Implications, 3 credit hours
ED 6150 Field Experiences and Action Research, 3 credit hours
ED 6260 Teaching Middle and Secondary School Science, 3 credit hours
ED 6400 Advanced Psychological Foundations, 3 credit hours
ED 6450 Foundations of Special Education, 3 credit hours
ED 6500 Curriculum, Methods, and Assessment in Secondary Education, 3 credit hours
ED 6620 Foundations of Classroom Management, 2 credit hours
ED 6700 Methods of Assessment and Instruction for Remedial Readers, 3 credit hours
ED 7850 Graduate Student Teaching in the Secondary School, 9 credit hours
ED 7900 Graduate Student Teaching Seminar, 3 credit hours
Course Requirements:
Composition and Rhetoric, 9 credit hours
English or World Literature, 6 credit hours
American Literature, one course including ethnic literature and one course including adolescent literature, 6 credit hours
History of the English Language, 3 credit hours
Grammar/Usage, 3 credit hours
Teaching of Writing, 3 credit hours
English Elective, 3 credit hours
ED 6010 Foundations of Education, 2 credit hours
ED 6020 Fundamentals of Literacy Learning, 3 credit hours
ED 6030 Technology and Education: Applications and Implications, 3 credit hours
ED 6150 Field Experiences and Action Research, 3 credit hours
ED 6400 Advanced Psychological Foundations, 3 credit hours
ED 6450 Foundations of Special Education, 3 credit hours
ED 6460 Teaching Middle and Secondary School English, 3 credit hours
ED 6500 Curriculum, Methods, and Assessment in Secondary Education, 3 credit hours
ED 6620 Foundations of Classroom Management, 2 credit hours
ED 6700 Methods of Assessment and Instruction for Remedial Readers, 3 credit hours
ED 7850 Graduate Student Teaching in the Secondary School, 9 credit hours
ED 7900 Graduate Student Teaching Seminar, 3 credit hours
Course Requirements:
Calculus and Analytical Geometry, 9 credit hours
Algebraic Structures, 3 credit hours
Geometry, 3 credit hours
Computer Science, 3 credit hours
Mathematics Electives from the above, 6 credit hours
Mathematics, 12 credit hours including at least three areas
- History of Mathematics
- Structure of the Real Number System
- Number Theory
- Completion of Calculus Sequence
- Probability and Statistics
- Computer Science
- Linear Algebra
ED 6010 Foundations of Education, 2 credit hours
ED 6020 Fundamentals of Literacy Learning, 3 credit hours
ED 6030 Technology and Education: Applications and Implications, 3 credit hours
ED 6150 Field Experiences and Action Research, 3 credit hours
ED 6160 Teaching Middle and Secondary School Mathematics, 3 credit hours
ED 6400 Advanced Psychological Foundations, 3 credit hours
ED 6450 Foundations of Special Education, 3 credit hours
ED 6500 Curriculum, Methods, and Assessment in Secondary Education, 3 credit hours
ED 6620 Foundations of Classroom Management, 2 credit hours
ED 6700 Methods of Assessment and Instruction for Remedial Readers, 3 credit hours
ED 7850 Graduate Student Teaching in the Secondary School, 9 credit hours
ED 7900 Graduate Student Teaching Seminar, 3 credit hours
Course Requirements:
History and Philosophy of Science, 3 credit hours
Physics, 20 credit hours including
- Mechanics
- Electricity and Magnetism
- Heat, Sound, and Light
- Atomic or Modern Physics
- Physics Electives
Science, 12 credit hours including
- Biology
- Environmental Science
- Chemistry
- Earth Science
ED 6010 Foundations of Education, 2 credit hours
ED 6020 Fundamentals of Literacy Learning, 3 credit hours
ED 6030 Technology and Education: Applications and Implications, 3 credit hours
ED 6150 Field Experiences and Action Research, 3 credit hours
ED 6260 Teaching Middle and Secondary School Science, 3 credit hours
ED 6400 Advanced Psychological Foundations, 3 credit hours
ED 6450 Foundations of Special Education, 3 credit hours
ED 6500 Curriculum, Methods, and Assessment in Secondary Education, 3 credit hours
ED 6620 Foundations of Classroom Management, 2 credit hours
ED 6700 Methods of Assessment and Instruction for Remedial Readers, 3 credit hours
ED 7850 Graduate Student Teaching in the Secondary School, 9 credit hours
ED 7900 Graduate Student Teaching Seminar, 3 credit hours
Social Science
Course Requirements:
Behavioral Science including anthropology, psychology, and/or sociology, 6 credit hours
Economics, 3 credit hours
Geography, 3 credit hours
Political Science; State and United States Government, 6 credit hours
United States History, 12 credit hours
World History, 9 credit hours
ED 6010 Foundations of Education, 2 credit hours
ED 6020 Fundamentals of Literacy Learning, 3 credit hours
ED 6030 Technology and Education: Applications and Implications, 3 credit hours
ED 6150 Field Experiences and Action Research, 3 credit hours
ED 6360 Teaching Middle and Secondary School Social Studies, 3 credit hours
ED 6400 Advanced Psychological Foundations, 3 credit hours
ED 6450 Foundations of Special Education, 3 credit hours
ED 6500 Curriculum, Methods, and Assessment in Secondary Education, 3 credit hours
ED 6620 Foundations of Classroom Management, 2 credit hours
ED 6700 Methods of Assessment and Instruction for Remedial Readers, 3 credit hours
ED 7850 Graduate Student Teaching in the Secondary School, 9 credit hours
ED 7900 Graduate Student Teaching Seminar, 3 credit hours
Spanish (K-12)
Course Requirements:
Spanish courses, 30 credit hours
- 15 hours must be upper division
- 6 hours maximum in culture/history
ED 6010 Foundations of Education, 2 credit hours
ED 6020 Fundamentals of Literacy Learning, 3 credit hours
ED 6030 Technology and Education: Applications and Implications, 3 credit hours
ED 6150 Field Experiences and Action Research, 3 credit hours
ED 6400 Advanced Psychological Foundations, 3 credit hours
ED 6450 Foundations of Special Education, 3 credit hours
ED 6500 Curriculum, Methods, and Assessment in Secondary Education, 3 credit hours
ED 6560 Teaching Foreign Language, 3 credit hours
ED 6620 Foundations of Classroom Management, 2 credit hours
ED 6700 Methods of Assessment and Instruction for Remedial Readers, 3 credit hours
ED 7850 Graduate Student Teaching in the Secondary School, 9 credit hours
ED 7900 Graduate Student Teaching Seminar, 3 credit hours

Master of Education Admission Information
The Rockhurst University M.Ed. program welcomes your application at any time during the year. Applicants may be admitted for fall, spring, summer I or summer II semesters.
Questions about enrolling in any of our M.Ed programs? Contact us:
Graduate Admissions Office
Office: 816-501-4059
Looking for general information? Join our prospective student contact list here:
Rockhurst University Education Degrees
- Master of Education with Teaching Certification Concentrations
- Master of Education in Educational Studies Concentrations
- Ed.D. in Education & Leadership Concentrations
- All School of Education degrees and certificates (undergrad and graduate)
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