The philosophy degree is designed to introduce students to a range of profound and stimulating philosophical questions, and to develop the critical thinking and logical skills necessary for independent thought.

Program Overview
Philosophy, as “love of wisdom,” explores the most fundamental questions of human experience, questions concerning the nature of the human person, the existence of God, immortality, freedom, the nature of moral and political values, the question of being, appearance and reality, knowledge and truth. A variety of richly developed and intellectually exciting answers to these questions, and many others, are explored systematically and rigorously employing a study of the work of outstanding classical and contemporary philosophers.
The study of philosophy enables students to explore the most vital issues of human life and existence, issues that elude more specialized disciplines. At the same time, because of philosophy’s emphasis on skills in logical clarification, organization of ideas, and detailed argumentation, it helps cultivate the capacity to think and write with clarity, consistency, and informed insight. Philosophy also promotes the ability to recognize and evaluate assumptions and implications, and at the same time frees the thinker from ideology and overspecialization.
There are four comprehensive tracks in the program: basic, bioethics, professional and social justice. See our program guide for more.
A minor in philosophy is available for students wishing to take a more pared-down version of the basic major. A minor in philosophy bioethics is also available.
The philosophy degree is part of the Interdisciplinary Studies program at RU.
Learning Outcomes
- Explain the philosophical and ethical concepts and theories of outstanding philosophers and historically important theories.
- Analyze the central arguments of philosophical texts and positions.
- Synthesize your own critical interpretation of important philosophical texts, taking into consideration significant philosophical issues, traditions and critiques of the texts.
- Evaluate the rightness of conduct concerning moral and social issues according to ethical theories and methods.
Program Outcomes
Since the foundation of Rockhurst University, philosophy has been central to our core mission of Jesuit Education. The goal of the Philosophy Department is to help our students – and the wider culture – think through the central philosophical questions of life in an attempt to navigate our way through the modern world, with all its ambiguities, challenges, and problems.
Philosophy Alumni
Let us know how your philosophical studies at Rockhurst University have helped you in your overall education, in your professional work, and/or in your personal life.
The philosophy department would particularly like to hear from any of our majors and minors. Let us know when you graduated and how you are doing now.
Please contact the department chair at with any news or updates.
Job and Grad School Opportunities for Philosophy Majors
Most of our students double major in philosophy, and a very high percentage of these go on to graduate school in their areas of interest. In recent years, our majors have gone on to do graduate work in philosophy, psychology, computer science, government, law, medicine, business, health care, and related areas. Those students who do not go to graduate school usually pursue a professional career, e.g. in nursing, physical or occupational therapy, health or educational administration and related areas.
Studies consistently show that philosophy graduates perform very well or better than most majors in graduate school entrance tests such as the LSAT, MCAT, etc. The degree, like most in humanities, opens up many career opportunities in various fields such as those listed below:
Higher Education
Course Map
Degree and class descriptions and requirements can be found by clicking on the course catalog listings below:
Popular Courses
This course will examine various philosophical issues relating to the existence and nature of God, with special attention given to the nature of God. Attention will also be given to various conceptions of God in different cultures and religious traditions.
The study of moral virtues is, both in Western culture and also in many Eastern cultures, a primordial philosophical approach to how to live well as a human being. Yet it has been mostly ignored academically in the last century in the West. This course examines the phenomenon of admiration as the origin of moral consciousness, and the historical centrality and the current revival of attention to the study of moral virtue and human character.
A study of major issues and figures in 17th and 18th-century philosophy, focusing on Continental rationalism (Descartes, Spinoza, and/or Leibniz), British empiricism (Locke, Berkeley, and/or Hume), and the critical philosophy of Kant.
A philosophical inquiry into the impact of technology on society, culture, and the human person, including epistemological, metaphysical and ethical implications of the human development and use of technology. Since the very existence of technology opens up new possibilities for decision making and action, technology comes into contact with human values and becomes part of the development of human society.
Degree Info
- Students have the opportunity to participate in undergraduate student conferences.
- Students can meet with visiting scholars.
- Participation in Phi Sigma Tau – International Philosophy Honor Society.
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