The peace and international studies major at Rockhurst is designed to cultivate well-rounded representatives and leaders through interdisciplinary study. Students seeking a peace and international studies major will have a working knowledge of world systems, and will be entering an increasingly popular career path.

Program Overview
What Is Peace and International Studies?
In our increasingly connected and complicated world, the ability to understand and appreciate the working systems and cultures across the globe has never been more in demand.
The peace and international studies major supplements other Rockhurst major programs, providing the context in which students may both understand and transform the world around them. This interdisciplinary major is grounded in history, with additional emphases on foreign languages, intercultural communication, cultural encounters, business and economics, and the moral/ethical bases of global communities.
Students can customize their degree to their own unique interests while taking four semesters of college-level work in the same foreign language as a requirement (or equivalent work approved by the chair of the Department of Modern Languages).
The program is part of the Interdisciplinary Studies at RU.
Learning Outcomes
- Students seeking a peace and international studies major will have a working knowledge of world systems (cultural, political, economic and historical).
- To gain a degree in peace and international studies, students will produce competency in a second language sufficient for use in study, dialogue, diplomacy and travel.
- Graduates will leave prepared to assume leadership roles in the 21st century in the Jesuit tradition of men and women for others.
Program Outcomes
- Peace and international studies major graduates from Rockhurst will be entering an increasingly popular career path.
- The global studies major's interdisciplinary nature allows for various jobs in international relations and global studies careers.
- Lucrative peace and international studies careers include embassy/consular work, HR for global companies, international development, and even journalism.
Human Rights Lawyer
International Relations
Government Service
Human Resources Professional
Foreign Affairs Analyst
Course Map
Degree and class descriptions and requirements can be found by clicking on the course catalog listing below:
Popular Courses
This seminar course assembles profiles of developing countries and regions from a wide variety of sources to give students a foundation to understand theories focused on the Developing World. Such a foundation includes examinations of the interacting forces of economics, culture, politics, and the natural world.
What constitutes “nonviolence”? Is violence ever involved in nonviolent movements? This course will explore the historical context, actions, and outcomes of selected nonviolent movements from across the globe. It will examine theoretical foundations for nonviolent activism, the political, economic, and cultural factors that motivated nonviolent movements predominantly outside the United States and strategies used in the movements.
A survey of the history of immigration to the United States. The course examines the impact of immigration on American society and culture. Several groups are studied in some detail as the topics of family, the workplace, urban politics, nativism, religion, and assimilation are explored. Kansas City’s immigrant groups are used as a laboratory.
Complex constructions of “racial” and “ethnic” identity have often played a profound role in developing the religious worldviews of institutions and individuals. This course surveys examples of this interaction throughout history and seeks to give students a better understanding of how theological expression both shapes and has been shaped by race and ethnicity.
Degree Info
Students in the peace and international studies major are required to engage in experiential learning in an intercultural or global context. This may include one or some of the following:
- Study abroad
- Spring break service trips
- Biology field trips
- Intensive local service-learning project
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