Rock Room
- Central Location
- Lots of people in and out
- Pool tables and ping pong tables
- Right next to two dining options
- Printing access
- Right by multiple support offices
Massman 250
- Lot of space
- Big projector
- Not a lot of foot traffic; great focus space
- Could be reserved for larger meetings
- Just outside of Massman
- Overlooks the soccer field
- Lots of foot traffic
Quad and Pergola
- Heavy foot traffic
- Picnic tables under pergola
- Outdoors, Near the fountains
1st floor
- Lots of natural light
- Right under the gym
- Group workspace / larger meetings
- Right next to the Roasterie
- Heavy foot traffic
- Natural light / Microwave
- Close to professors/classrooms
Second Floor Hallway
- Spot to grab for a single person study
- Right next to classrooms
- Printing access at end of hallway
- High top chairs/booths; by faculty offices
Second Floor Mezzanine
- Ceiling to floor whiteboards
- Different styles of seating
- Lots of natural light
- Outlets
- Lots of foot traffic
- Wisdom Core Reflection site
- Near faculty offices
- Near faculty offices
- Outlets
- High foot traffic/High top chairs
- White boards
- Outlets /Near faculty offices
- Booths with tables
- Natural lighting
- Near faculty offices
312 (Glass Room)
- Lots of natural lighting
- Floor to ceiling whiteboards
- TV for group projects
Third floor hallway
- Different styles of seating
- Next to classrooms
- Printing access at end of hallway
- Lots of natural light
- Different seating options
- Easy access
- Heavy foot traffic
Second Floor Common Area by Stairs
- Big table and some chairs
- Vending machines
- Outlets
- Close to Biology Faculty offices
206 (Balcony)
- Spacious
- White boards
- Outlets
- Computers
- Microwave
Next to 203
- Lots of natural light
- Overlooks the pergola/bell tower
- Not much foot traffic
- Big table
Next to 301
- Lots of natural light
- Overlooks the pergola/bell tower
- Outlets
- Individual study tables
Common Area by 315
- Large table
- Different chairs for seating
- Near Chemistry faculty offices
Chemistry Computer Workroom 325
- Computer access
- Not highly utilized
- Whiteboards
Outside the Learning Center (Second Floor)
- Different Seating options
- Outlets
- Access to the learning center
Learning Center
- Access to tutors
- Natural light
- Lots of books with study tips available
- Lots of white board space
Third Floor: Outside of the Saint Luke’s College of Nursing and Health Science
- Not well known, overlooks quad
- Vending machines
- Printing access
- Computers / Microwave
Next to 315
- Large tables
- Printing access
- Overlooks Troost
Secret Garden: (Located behind the Learning Center)
- Beautiful area
- Hammocks
- Different seating options
Third floor
- Quiet study area
- Last minute assignment focus
- Where the books are kept
Second Floor
- Small study rooms
- White boards
- Printing and computer access
First Floor
- Large community center
- Computers
- Different styles of seating
- Tables with white boards on them
- Quiet area / moveable tables
- Lots of seating and TVs
- Overlooks Rockhurst Road
- Good community area
Commuter Lounge (Third Floor)
- A study space for commuters
- Living area/beanbag
- Wipe board/chargers
- Free coffee
- Kitchen space with microwave
First Floor Lobby
- Natural lighting
- Lots of people in and out
- Comfortable seating
- Open space
103 - Learning Studio
- Large room
- No people going in and out
- Close to foot traffic
- Able to move easily
First Floor Common Area by Conference Room
- Isolated / open space
- White board
- Comfortable seating
Second Floor: Common areas by 202 & 215
- Natural lighting and open
- Heavy foot traffic
- Several charging outlets
Near Room 208
- More isolated, Not much natural light
- Whiteboards
- Comfortable seating area
- Doesn’t feel like a classroom
- Charging station is easy to move
Third Floor: Common area by room 334
- Not much natural light
- Open space
- Several charging stations
- Movable charging post
- Foot traffic
Rooms 337-340
- Great for group work
- Whiteboards
- Closed off
- Pull-down curtains for more privacy
- Office-like setting, easy discussion