Rockhurst pre-health students are encouraged to identify resources to help them plan their path into a health profession. A list of professional websites and other pre-health resources is shown below.
Professional Websites
Association of American Medical Colleges: www.aamc.org
American Osteopathic Association: www.osteopathic.org
American Dental Association: www.ada.org
American Academy of Physician Assistants: www.aapa.org
Other Resources
Composing a Personal Statement: http://web.jhu.edu/prepro/health/Applicants/personal.statement.html
Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU): http://www.nsf.gov/crssprgm/reu/reu_search.jsp
MCAT testing information
Recommended Pre-Health Reading
Advising Timeline
Students take many different paths to medical school. Below is our typical four year timeline. Many different factors can influence this timeline, so please see a pre-health advisor for more information.
Rockhurst University Traditional Pre-Medical Student Timeline
Freshman Year
- Gain clinical medical experience by shadowing and volunteering. Reflect upon and record your experiences. Volunteering and service over a long period of time (at least a year) at one community partner is highly recommended by both KCUMB and Saint Louis University.
- Make an appointment with the Annie Lee, Ph.D., in chemistry (annie.lee@rockhurst.edu) or Laura Salem, Ph.D., in biology laura.salem@rockhurst.edu and let them know that you are interested in Pre-Medicine.
- Consider joining the Pre-Med Club; become active in other campus activities.
- Improve studying and learning techniques.
- Complete general biology I and general chemistry I (or Honors sections of these courses).
- Consider taking calculus I as a recommended pre-med course.
- Learn how to calculate your own science and overall grade point average (GPA) – set a target goal for your own GPA.
- Continue shadowing/gaining medical clinical experience and completing written reflection of your experiences.
- Complete general biology II and general chemistry II.
- Consider joining the Pre-Medical Fraternity.
- Continue shadowing/gaining medical clinical experience. Continue written reflection on your experiences.
- Read books related to health professions. Examples can be found at http://staff.washington.edu/jstock/prehealthwireframes/explore/readinglist.php
- Evaluate your science and overall GPA.
- Begin composing your personal statement explaining why you want to be a physician.
Sophomore Year
- Continue with shadowing/volunteering activities and reflection.
- Make an advising appointment with Dr. Lee or Dr. Salem to discuss your progress.
- Explore on campus leadership opportunities.
- Complete organic chemistry I and general physics I.
- Consider research experiences on campus.
- Continue with shadowing/volunteering activities and reflection.
- Declare your major.
- Complete organic chemistry II and general physics II.
- Evaluate science and overall GPA
- Read books related to health professions. Examples can be found at http://staff.washington.edu/jstock/prehealthwireframes/explore/readinglist.php.
- Investigate MCAT materials and begin studying. Make timeline for MCAT preparation.
- Compose another draft of your personal statement for medical school.
Junior Year
- Continue with shadowing/volunteering activities and reflection.
- Consider taking biochemistry I as a recommended pre-med course.
- If applying to medical school the following summer, begin working on your Rockhurst Pre-Medical/Pre-Dental Advisory group application for a committee interview and letter. Applications will be available online or from Dr. Lee or Dr. Salem.
- Continue MCAT preparation and studying. Make a plan for your final preparation.
- Consider applying for summer undergraduate research opportunities (SURF or other funded programs). Applications for summer research internships are typically due in January.
- Complete your application to the Rockhurst Pre-Medical/Pre-Dental Advisory Group. Applications will be due the first week of classes in January. The deadline will be listed on your application. Late application will not be accepted.
- After submission of your application to the Rockhurst Pre-Medical/Pre-Dental Advisory Group, an interview will be scheduled.
- Before interviewing with the Rockhurst Pre-Medical/Pre-Dental Advisory Group, consider an appointment with the career center for a mock interview to practice your communication skills.
- After completion of your Rockhurst Pre-Medical/Pre-Dental Advisory Group interview, make a list of things to improve upon for your official medical school interview.
- Continue with shadowing/volunteering activities and reflection.
- Consider taking biochemistry II and general physiology as recommended pre-med courses
- Continue to study for the MCAT and take the MCAT in spring or summer.
- Take the MCAT if you did not take it in the spring.
- Evaluate science and overall GPA, shadowing/volunteering hours for breadth and depth, MCAT score and other factors to determine if you are as well prepared as possible to apply – if not, consider waiting.
- Complete AMCAS/AACOMAS application(s).
- Provide letter writers with AMCAS/AACOMAS ID #(s) and letter request as soon as possible.
- Complete secondary applications if received during the summer.
Senior Year
- Continue with shadowing/volunteering activities and reflection.
- Turn in your Bachelor's Degree Application to the Registrar.
- Complete any secondary applications.
- Interview with medical schools.
- Complete degree and graduation requirements
- If waiting a year to re-apply to medical school, consider working in a research or biotechnology setting or gaining more clinical experience during your gap year.