Effective with the 2023-2024 academic year catalog, all Rockhurst undergraduate students will fulfill the new Wisdom Core requirements. The Wisdom Core consists of an initial Cornerstone course, Foundation level core courses, Keystone designations, and Threshold experiences.
The Wisdom Core requires all students to complete the Wisdom Core Cornerstone course (WCC). Cornerstone courses introduce students to the Jesuit tradition and to the University through study, discussion, and reflection. Topics will vary. Students are encouraged to take the Cornerstone course during their first year at Rockhurst.
This 2-credit hour course may be offered through the College of Arts and Sciences (WCCA), the College of Business Intelligence and Information Analysis (WCCB), or the Saint Luke's College of Nursing and Health Sciences (WCCN), with a variety of content to be covered in each individual course.
Foundation courses are lower-division courses representing the traditional liberal arts and sciences disciplines that are highly valued within the Jesuit tradition. Transfer courses may be accepted to fulfill Foundation core requirements.
NW - Natural World
Complete one science class with a lab from biology, chemistry, physics, or natural sciences (4 hours)
HC - History and Culture
Complete one class from art, music, or theater arts (3 hours), one class from history (3 hours), and one class from literature in English or Modern Languages (3 hours)
IS - Individuals and Society
Complete two classes from criminal justice, economics, psychology, sociology, or political science (6 hours). The two classes must be from different disciplines.
UQ - Universal Questions
Complete one course from philosophy (3 hours), one course from theology (3 hours), and one swing course from either theology or philosophy (3 hours). This swing course may be an upper-level course.
EP - Eloquentia Perfecta
Complete one Oral Communication (OC) course (3 hours), and one to two Written Composition (WC) courses. A student with an English ACT score over 24 may fulfill this requirement with EN 1140 (3 hours).
A student who does not have an English ACT score of 24 must complete EN 1110 and EN 1120 (6 hours).
QR - Quantitative Reasoning
Complete one math or statistics course (3 hours).
The Keystone designations are specific learning outcomes that students fulfill through Rockhurst upper-division courses, found primarily in the student's major or minor program of study. No specific number of credits are required, but students are required to fulfill one of each of the seven Keystone designations. These courses emphasize skills listed in the "Core Rationale and Learning Goals," such as Inquiry, Analysis, Critical Thinking, and Global Citizenship. Keystones can only be fulfilled through Rockhurst courses.
Note: if a Keystone designation contains sub-core designations, the Keystone requirement may be fulfilled through either one of its sub-core designations.
IAC - Inquiry, Analysis, and Critical Thinking
Complete one course with either CT (Critical Thinking) or IA (Inquiry & Analysis) designation. Either designation will satisfy IAC.
IQL - Information and Quantitative Literacy
Complete one course with either IF (Information Fluency) or QL (Quantitative Literacy) designation. Either designation will satisfy IQL.
ACI - Artistic/Creative and Innovative Expression
Complete one course with either AE (Artistic Expression) or IV (Innovation) designation. Either designation will satisfy ACI.
CC - Communication and Collaboration Skills
Complete one course with either CM (Communication Skills) or CO (Collaboration Skills) designation. Either designation will satisfy CC.
IAS - Intercultural Awareness and Sensitivity*
Complete one course with the IAS designation.
GC - Global Citizenship*
Complete one course with the GC designation.
ESE - Ethical Reasoning and Social Engagement
Complete one course with either ER (Ethical Reasoning & Action) or SK (Social Knowledge & Engagement) designation. Either designation will satisfy ESE.
*Students who complete two Modern Language courses in the same language will fulfill the IAS-Intercultural Awareness and Sensitivity Requirement and will also automatically fulfill the Global Citizenship Keystone requirement.
Before graduation, students are required to engage in at least one course or experience certified as using a high-impact practice.
WI - Writing-Intensive
ID - Interdisciplinary
UR - Undergraduate Research
IN - Internship
TSL - Threshold Service-Learning Experience
RP - Reflective Portfolios
SA - Study Abroad
Because courses are being approved every semester to fulfill Core requirements, other courses may fulfill these requirements. Please check with your advisor and department chair. Nevertheless, each course listed below will fulfill the Core requirements for graduation. Please note that some Core courses may be counted towards a major or minor; consult with your adviser. Students who entered Rockhurst prior to the Fall 2023 semester will use the Liberal Core curriculum.
1. Written Communication (WCP)
Satisfied with ONE of the following:
EN 1110 and EN 1120
EN 1140 (ACT 24+)
EN 1150 (Honors)
2. Oral Communication (OCP)
Satisfied with ONE of the following:
CT 2000
CT 2150 (Honors)
3. Mathematics (MTP)
Satisfied with ONE of the following:
MT 1030
MT 1090
MT 1170
MT 1190
MT 1510
MT 1800
MT 1810
MT 2800
1. Artistic Mode (ARI)
Can be fulfilled by taking ONE of the following sequences. These also fulfill the Level I requirement for the Historical and Literary Modes.
HU 2110 and HU 2120
HU 2210 and HU 2220 (Honors)
(note: these will not be offered after 2016-17)
May also be fulfilled by ONE of the following:
AR 1110
AR 1120
AR 1130
AR 1150
AR 1200
AR 1250
AR 1300
AR 1350
AR 1400
AR 1500
AR 3200
AR 3205
AR 3250
AR 3300
AR 3350
AR 3400
AR 4400
CT 3200
FR 3500
MS 1000
MS 1030
MS 3350
MS 3370
MS 3410
MS 3430
MS 3500
MS 3650
SP 4660
SP 4670
TA 1000
TA 1020
TA 1040
TA 1100
TA 1200
TA 1300
TA 2100
TA 3100
TA 3200
TA 3201
TA 3202
TA 3203
TA 3204
TA 3205
TA 3206
TA 3207
TA 3250
TA 3650
Or by a combination of the following adding up to at least 3 hours:
AR 1151
AR 3205
CT 3211
CT 3212
CT 3230
MS 1050
MS 1210/3210
MS 1250/3250
MS 1270/3270
MS 1290/3290
MS 1510-1519
MS 2510-2519
MS 3510-3519
MS 1610
MS 1710
MS 1810
MS 2610
MS 2710
MS 2810
MS 3610
MS 3710
MS 3810
TA 1050
TA 3210
TA 3500
TA 3520
TA 3540
TA 3560
2. Historical Mode - Level I (HSI)
Can be fulfilled by taking ONE of the following sequences. These also fulfill the Level I requirement for the Artistic and Literary Modes.
HU 2110 and HU 2120
HU 2210 and HU 2220 (Honors)
(note: these will not be offered after 2016-17)
May also be fulfilled by ONE of the following:
HS 1100
HS 1150 (Honors)
HS 1500
HS 1701
HS 1702
HS/PAI 1200
3. Literary Mode - Level I (LTI).
Can be fulfilled by taking ONE of the following sequences. These also fulfill the Level I requirement for the Artistic and Historical Modes.
HU 2110 and HU 2120
HU 2210 and HU 2220 (Honors)
(note: these will not be offered after 2016-17)
May also be fulfilled by ONE of the following:
EN 2740
EN 2760
EN 2920
EN 2940
EN 2960
FR 3700
FR 3851
FR 3870
GR 3700
SP 3700
SP 4300
SP 4350
SP 4375
SP 4667
4. Historical or Literary Mode - Level II (HSII or LTII)
May be fulfilled by ONE of the following courses:
HS 2100
HS 2500
HS 3000
HS 3055
HS 3060
HS 3110
HS 3120
HS 3150
HS 3180
HS 3200
HS 3250
HS 3320
HS 3400
HS 3410
HS 3430
HS 3450
HS 3620
HS 3650
HS 3660
HS 3670
HS 3700
HS 3710
HS 3800
HS 3810
HS 3820
HS 3830
HS 3840
HS 3892
HS 3900
HS 3910
HS 3912
HS 3920
HS 3922
HS 3925
HS 3930
HS 4100
EN 3000
EN 3200
EN 3240
EN 3350
EN 3360
EN 3380
EN 3400
EN 3500
EN 3520
EN 3530
EN 3550
EN 3600
EN 3610
EN 3620
EN 3670
EN 3680
EN 3810
EN 3820
EN 3830
EN 3840
EN 3850
EN 3855
EN 3870
EN 3880
EN 3885
EN 3890
EN 3896
EN 4150
EN 4190
EN 4600
EN 4610
EN 4620
EN 4640
EN 4810
EN 4820
EN 4830
EN 4845
EN 4850
EN 4855
EN 4860
EN 4880
FR 3871
FR 3872
FR 3873
FR 3889
FR 3890
FR 4200
FR 4250
FR 4300
FR 4350
FR 4800
HU 3300
SP 4200
SP 4250
SP 4260
SP 4276
SP 4360
SP 4370
SP 4380
SP 4400
SP 4700
SP 4800
5. Philosophical Mode - Level I (PLI)
Fulfilled by ONE of the following courses:
PL 1100
PL 1150 (Honors)
Philosophical Mode - Level II (PLII)
Fulfilled by ONE of the following courses:
PL 3100
PL 3150 (Honors)
6. Theological Mode - Level I (THI)
Fulfilled by ONE of the following courses:
TH 1000
TH 1050 (Honors)
TH 1020
TH 2000+
Theological Mode - Level II (THII)
Fulfilled by any TH 3000 or 4000 level course (see below)
Either the Level I or II course must be Christianity-based.
All TH courses are Christianity-based except those marked with a +.
7. Philosophical or Theological Mode - Level II (PLII or THII)
May be fulfilled by ONE of the following courses in addition to the courses selected for #5 and #6:
PL 3200
PL 3250
PL 3300
PL 3400
PL 3410
PL 3420
PL 3430
PL 3440
PL 3450
PL 3500-3590
PL 3640
PL 3650
PL 3670
PL 3700
PL 3750
PL 3770
PL 3775
PL 3800
PL 3820
PL 3840
PL 3850
PL 3900
PL 3940
PL 4100
PL 4120
PL 4140
PL 4170
PL 4300
PL 4320
PL 4340
PL 4400-4490
PL 4500
PL 4550
PL 4570
PL 4600
PL 4620
PL 4650
PL 4665
PL 4700
PL 4750
TH 3000
TH 3050
TH 3100
TH 3130
TH 3150
TH 3300
TH 3400+
TH 3450+
TH 3550
TH 3622+
TH 3666
TH 3700+
TH 3966
TH 4000
TH 4001+
TH 4010
TH 4015
TH 4020
TH 4030
TH 4040
TH 4050
TH 4080
TH 4100
TH 4110
TH 4180
TH 4181
TH 4190+
TH 4192
TH 4200
TH 4250
TH 4280
TH 4300
TH 4320
TH 4321
TH 4330
TH 4340
TH 4350
TH 4375
TH 4444
TH 4450+
TH 4480+
TH 4777
TH 4888
8. Scientific-Causal Mode - Level I (SCI)
Fulfilled by a lecture course plus concurrent lab from the following list:
BL 1150/1151
BL 1210/1220
BL 1250/1251
BL 1260/1261
BL 1350/1351
CH 1050/1060
CH 1110/1120
CH 2610/2620
CH 2630/2640
CH 2650/2660
NS 1210/1220
NS 1500/1501
PH 1600/1610
PH 1700/1710
PH 1750/1760
PH 2300/2310
PH 2700/2710
PH 2800/2810
PH 2850/2860
PH 2900/2910
PH 2940/2920
9. Scientific-Relational Mode - Level I/II (SRI/SRII)
May be fulfilled by TWO of the following courses. Select two SRI OR one SRI and one SRII. Make sure that each course is in a different discipline.
SRI (at least one):
CJ 1000
CJ 2000
EC 1000
EC 1050
EC 1100
EC 1150
EC 3400
EC 3750
EC 4400
ED 4300
GS 1000
POL 1000
PS 1000
PS 1100
PS 1150
PS 3100
PS 3150
PS 3170
PS 3190
PS 3300
PS 3330
PS 3350
PS 3370
PS 3510
PS 3520
PS 3550
PS 3720
PS/CT 3860
PY 1000
PY 1100
PY 2400
PY 2550
PY 3400
PY 3550
PY 3600
SO 1000
WGS 1000
WGS 2000
10. Scientific-Causal Mode or Scientific-Relational Mode - Level II (SCII or SRII)
May be fulfilled by ONE of the following courses in addition to the courses selected for #8 and #9:
BL 3200/3201
BL 4800
CH 2630/2640
CH 2650/2660
CH 2710/2720
PH 1750/1760
PH 2300/2310
PH 2750/2760
PH 2900/2910
PH 2940/2920
EC 3250
EC 3400
EC 3750
EC 4300
EC 4400
ED 4300
PS 3100
PS 3150
PS 3170
PS 3190
PS 3300
PS 3330
PS 3350
PS 3370
PS 3510
PS 3520
PS 3550
PS 3720
PS/CT 3860
PY 2400
PY 2550
PY 3400
PY 3550
PY 3600
PY 4400
SO 3540
SO 3650
SO 3670
SO 3700
SO 3760
Two semesters of the same college-level language other than English or one of the following courses:
BL 3920
BL 4200
CA 3000
EC 3400
EC 4300
EN 3810
EN 3850
EN 3870
EN 4810
EN 4850
EN 4860
FR 3871
FR 3872
GE 3300
HP 3500
HP 3700
HP 4700
HU 3300
HS 3250
HS 3900
HS 3910
HS 3912
HS 3920
HS 3922
HS 3925
HS 3930
MG 3350
MG 4350
MS 3650
NU 3852
NU 3630/NU 3670
PS 3300
PS 3310
PS 3330
PS 3350
PS 3355
PS 3370
PS 3550
PY 4430
SP 3070
TH 3622
TH 4001+
TH 4181
TH 4450
TH 4480