New Assistive Technology Lab Provides New Opportunity to Serve Community

Rockhurst University’s campus is home to a new resource for those with disabilities, thanks to a partnership with the state of Missouri.
Inside Ignatius Science Center is the Missouri Assistive Technology lab, a place where the community can come and learn about available assistive technologies and how to use them. It’s a service provided by the state. The main facility for the region is located in nearby Blue Springs, but the University campus provided a prime location for a second site, according to Tammy Bruegger, OTD, assistant professor of occupational therapy.
Bruegger and Pam Hart, Ph.D., professor of communication sciences and disorders, worked with the state to become a partner site and set the lab up with tools to aid those with visual, communication, cognitive, learning, or physical needs.
“This is all about meeting people where they are and asking what their unmet needs are,” Bruegger said. “Then we can demonstrate how these devices work and match the person with the assistive technology that helps fill that need.”
The lab is much more than a resource for those in the community. It’s also an opportunity for University students from across the health sciences and other disciplines to make a difference in their community. Students will be able to demonstrate assistive technology and gain experience working with the community.
“We’re in a perfect location at Rockhurst,” she said. “It makes sense to be in this central location. And it fits perfectly with Rockhurst’s service-oriented mission.”