Fast Facts About the Class of 2025
Thursday, August 19, 2021

This group of more than 400 new Hawks arrive on campus starting Thursday to begin their college journey. So as we welcome them to campus, here are a few things to know about the class of 2025. They are:
KC representing: For the first time in years, more than 50% of the incoming students are from the Kansas City area.
Well-Traveled: In addition to the cities they call home, these students represent 16 different states in the U.S. and 10 different countries, including Canada, Serbia, Italy, Mexico and Zimbabwe.
All in the Family: There are a total of 73 legacy freshman, meaning they count an RU alumni or current student among their aunts, uncles, mothers, fathers, grandparents, cousins or siblings.
Pretty Smart: The average GPA of these incoming students is 3.66. That’s higher than last year and just edges the Fall 2019 class’s 3.65.
Growing in Diversity: 40% of the incoming class identify as part of an underrepresented race or ethnicity. That’s higher than any of the previous four years.
The one thing they all share is, as of this weekend, they are officially Hawks. After a packed orientation weekend, fall semester courses begin Monday, Aug. 23.
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Dec 11, 2024