Rockhurst University’s public policy major prepares students to engage with the modern policy environment through interdisciplinary coursework that stresses in-depth analysis of political, economic and social issues.

Program Overview
What is public policy?
Public policy is a course of action typically taken by a government in response to an issue.
This field of study, combined with the broader Rockhurst experience focused on creating “men and women who reflect upon the reality of the world around them with all its ambiguities, opportunities and challenges,” provides students with the skillsets to impact policy-making in both public and private institutions.
The public policy degree requires students to complete one internship, co-op work project, or individual research experience as a part of the degree. Students may complete an internship in any location, so while they may choose to work with a Kansas City-based organization, they may also find an internship in the regional state capitals, in Washington, D.C., or even in international locations. If students find full-time positions in the policy-making arena, they may earn academic credit through Rockhurst’s innovative co-op program. Finally, students can choose to work with faculty or other groups to complete an original piece of policy research.
This degree is part of the Interdisciplinary Studies at RU.
Learning Outcomes
- Data analysis and presentation
- Verbal communication/professional writing
- An interdisciplinary approach to public policy
- Economic/political analysis
Program Outcomes
Alumni who studied public policy at Rockhurst have gone on to post-graduate study in law, public administration, political science, economics, public health and business administration, among other areas.
Specific public policy jobs for new graduates include, but are not limited to, the positions listed below.
Research Analyst
Nonprofit Administration
State/Local Government Official
Community Relations Coordinator
Public Affairs Specialist
Budget Analyst
Program Manager
Regulatory Affairs Manager
Course Map
Degree and class descriptions and requirements can be found by clicking on the course catalog listing below:
Popular Courses
This course will review a broad range of policy topics to highlight public interventions, framing problems, thinking through alternatives, and identifying changes to improve society. An essential ingredient in understanding social institutions and behavior in any country is knowledge of political, economic, and institutional power in creating public policy.
This course provides students with a toolkit for conducting policy analysis and communicating the results of that analysis to audiences across the policy arena.
A study of the rhetorical, psychological and ethical principles of influencing change in others which includes consideration of the role of attitudes, beliefs, values and motives in human behavior. Application of theories through preparation and presentation of persuasive speeches and analysis of campaigns.
Work experience that is off-campus, paid, and provides students exposure to employment in various organizations. Ideally, employment will be in an area as closely related to the student’s career path as possible.
Degree Info
This major is truly interdisciplinary and contains courses from political science, economics, criminal justice, communication and mathematics, as well as offerings from English, history, women and gender studies and nonprofit leadership.
Kansas City, Missouri, is the perfect setting for a study of policymaking. We are home to many federal agencies, situated in an urban core that is an inventive testing ground for the cities of the future, located near state capitals and adjacent to industry leaders in tech, agriculture and health care.
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