At Rockhurst University we define first-generation students as anyone whose parent or guardian has not graduated from a four-year college or university. RU First is designed to welcome and support first-generation students on our campus and to connect students with on-campus support systems, special events and programming, and be a place to build and find community. We will celebrate as our first-generation students achieve milestones and complete their goal of graduation. This program is open to all students.

Our Vision
The mission of RU First is to provide a supportive and welcoming community for first-generation college students, to establish a campus culture that recognizes and celebrates first-generation students and their unique talents and abilities and create a program that intentionally connects first-generation students to faculty, resources, information and experiences that promote success during their tenure at RU.
A Message to our First-Generation Students
Welcome! We are so glad that you chose Rockhurst University as the place to earn your college degree. Rockhurst has a large student population of first-generation students and we are extremely proud of that. As a first-generation student at Rockhurst, you will discover a wide range of support and opportunities designed to help you transition to college, develop your unique strengths and interests, and achieve your academic and personal goals. The staff and faculty are here to support and guide you and to celebrate your development and achievements along the way.
Helpful Links for First Gen Students
What is the RU Recipe for Success?
Attend Orientation
Orientation presents information you need about becoming an RU student before you start your first class. It’s an important step to take and where you will learn about all the resources Rockhurst has to offer. You'll meet faculty, staff, and student leaders who will introduce you to the spirit and traditions of RU. You’ll also learn about academic and student life and meet other new students. Please look for your orientation packet and additional information sent to you in the mail and email during the summer months. You can also find more information out online.
First Year Seminar
These courses are designed to help students make their transition to college. They cover resources, making connections, and identifying your Rockhurst major and career goals. The first-year seminar options are: Freshman in Science, First Year Seminar (Humanities majors, social sciences, and still deciding students), Professional Readiness (for business students), and Intro to Computing and Engineering programs.
Get Involved!
Research shows that students who get involved and engaged on campus have more academic success and feel a greater sense of belonging. Rockhurst has nearly 70 organizations from which to choose. Registered Student Organizations (RSOs) provide students the opportunity to form and develop organizations based on a variety of personal, social, political, recreational, religious, and common interests. Through your involvement with an RSO you will have the opportunity to meet new people, develop your interests and have fun. If you do not find an organization that meets your interests, you can start your own organization to bring fellow students together.
Get to know your academic advisor
Your academic advisor is your guide throughout your time in Rockhurst. They can provide you with guidance when you schedule classes, but they are also a resource if you are struggling with classes, decision-making, or need advice about on-campus resources or academic planning.
Use support services if you need it
All successful people have mentors, coaches, and people that have helped them along the way. Rockhurst has a variety of services throughout campus to help students along the way. Don’t be afraid to ask faculty, advisors, or staff for assistance! Take advantage of the resources the school has to offer. All tutoring, counseling and supplemental instruction are offered to you free of charge. Success coaches can also support you in your academic and personal needs.
Ask questions and be present in class
Events, programming, social gatherings, and opportunities for leadership will occur throughout the academic year. These will be advertised on campus and through the RU FIRST Instagram @ROCKHURSTUFIRST. Stay tuned!!