For all staff, faculty, and students:
The purpose of this policy is to provide the highest degree of security possible for our students, faculty and staff by safeguarding the property of the University, and the personal property of those who work and study at the university. Attaining this goal mandates the control of keys and keycards per the following guideline: issue by necessity, not for convenience. In order to achieve this goal, it is necessary to assign responsibility to the users - faculty, staff, students, and others who possess keys and keycards.
Policies for manual “hard” keys and electronic access control (i.e. “keycards.”) For faculty and staff (see page 4 for policies for student identification cards and residential student room keys).
The buildings and facilities of Rockhurst University are available for general use by university employees and by students for educational purposes during scheduled hours. The buildings are open (outside doors unlocked) for classes, meetings and other activities as scheduled. After normal hours of operation, access to buildings is possible by the use of a building hard key or electronic keycard, or by calling the Department of Safety and Security at 816-501-4010.
Primary responsibility for the security of campus buildings, control of keycard data and their record keeping rests with the department of safety and security. Primary responsibility for the issuance of keys, record keeping, installation and maintenance of locks, and manual and electronic lock hardware rests with physical plant. The department of safety and security and physical plant, in collaboration with human resources, provides education and training on the key policy and the initial issuance of keys.
Physical plant maintains records of keys issued to all university employees, as well decisions made by president’s council members as it relates to key replacements and lock changes (see below). Physical plant produces key inventory reports upon request by department leaders and administrators. Physical plant conducts an annual inventory of keys. If the inventory reveals missing keys then the department of safety and security consults with the applicable president’s council member to determine if the missing keys will be replaced. The replacement cost of lost or missing keys is the responsibility of the applicable president’s council member’s department.
The department of safety and security maintains records of keycards issued to all university employees, building keycard access data, and keycard usage using dedicated security software. The department of safety and security produces keycard inventory reports for departments that conduct a periodic inventory of keycards, and upon request for all other department leaders and administrators.
Issuance of keys
Deans, associate deans, vice presidents or associate vice presidents are responsible for reviewing and approving employee key requests and /or lock changes. All request for keys must be made with a completed and signed copy of the university key request form, available electronically on the intranet. All requests for lock and key changes as well as lock maintenance request must be made via the physical plant work order system. The key holder to any university facility assumes responsibility for the safekeeping of the key and its use.
Issuance of keycards
The university issues keycards (a.k.a. employee identification card) to all faculty and staff. Access levels are determined by the department of safety and security in consultation with department leaders. Keycards should be carried at all times while on campus.
Requests for re-keying/re-coring must be approved by department leaders, deans or administrators. Requests are made via the physical plant work order system. The cost of re-coring/re-keying is the responsibility of the requesting department. When locks are changed, old keys must be exchanged for new keys.
Return of keys
When employees leave employment, transfer departments or change assignments, all keys must be returned to the physical plant office located at Conway 400B within two weeks. Failure to return keys will result in a charge to the applicable department sufficient to cover the cost associated with all necessary lock changes, as determined by the department of safety and security in consultation with the applicable president’s council member.
Send key authorization forms to:
Julie McGaha, x4566
Conway 400B
Master keys
Master keys are issued upon review by the chief of safety and security and the associate vp for facilities and technology. Loss of a master key necessitates the re-keying and re-coring of the entire area or building that the key controls.
Temporary key or keycard use
All outside parties (i.e. contractors and vendors) are issued temporary keys or keycards for necessary construction and maintenance access. Department leaders should request keys for temporary issuance and are responsible for the use and return of the keys. The outside party must present picture identification (a driver’s license or state identification card with picture) and sign for all keys and keycards issued. All outside parties must abide by this policy and must wear identification badges on outer garments while working on university property.
Lost, stolen, or damaged keys and keycards
Lost keys/keycards must be immediately reported to the department of safety and security and the department leader. For stolen keys/keycards, a detailed report describing the circumstances must be filed with the department of safety and security. For keycards, access for the card will be immediately terminated. Replacement of a lost, stolen or damaged key/keycard requires the completion of a key authorization form. If a lost key/keycard is later found, it must be returned to physical plant.
The charge for lost keys/keycards is $25 per key/keycard and the charge for the change of core locks is $50 per core. The cost of lost keys/keycards and change of core locks is the responsibility of the applicable president’s council member’s department.
Policies for student identification cards and residential student room keys (these policies can also be found in the student handbook)
Identification cards
Admissions front desk (2nd-floor Massman Hall)
Help desk (4th floor Conway hall)
Students of Rockhurst are issued a Rockhurst photo id that should be carried at all times when on campus. This card provides access to services both on and off campus, including:
- Access control to residential, academic, and administrative buildings where access is permissible
- Access control to the 24-hour computer labs
- Tracks meal plans and declining balance for dining services and vending machines as well as printing and copying services
- Library card for the Greenlease library as well as other library systems
- Grants access to Massman hall’s “student body” workout facilities
- Athletic equipment check out
- Admission for many Rockhurst theater and athletic events (some special events may require a purchased ticket)
The first id is provided free of charge. Replacement cost of lost or stolen cards is $25.00.
Residential Student Room Keys
Each resident is issued one key to his/her room. In the event that a key is lost, report the loss to a resident director/office of residence life immediately. A fee of $100.00 to replace the lock will be charged to the resident due to safety and security reasons. Should a student request a lock change for any reason (e.g., stolen, lost, etc.) The student’s account may be charged. It is against the law for keys to be duplicated for any reason. Possession of an unauthorized room key may result in a fine of up to $250.00 and/or a referral to the code of conduct process. Should a student be found in possession of any other university key other than a room key, the student will be subject to any sanctions determined by the hearing officer or board. Lockouts: refer to the room lockouts policy.
Policy Violations
The following acts are examples of violations of this policy:
- Loaning keys or keycards
- Transfer of keys or keycards without authorization
- Duplication of keys
- Altering keys, locks or mechanisms
- Damaging, tampering or vandalizing any university lock or hardware
- Propping open secure doors
- Admitting unauthorized person(s) into a building, secured room or gate
- Failure to return a key when requested by campus security, physical plant, the issuing department or upon leaving the employment of the university
- Failure to report missing keys or keycards
Persons in violation of this policy may be issued a citation, subject to disciplinary action, and/or assessed damages and replacement costs imposed.
Send key authorization forms to:
Julie McGaha, x4566
Conway 403
Card access concerns, please contact:
Sgt. Lisa Heinrich, Department of Safety and Security x4401
Students: Contact your residence hall director or residence life for lost or stolen keys.