Welcome to the Hawk Family!
We know that students (most often) do not go through the college search process alone. As a parent, family member or supporter of a student, you might have questions, too. The resources below can help give you a place to start. Can't find what you're looking for? Contact us at info@rockhurst.edu or 816-501-4000.
How Does RU Help Students Succeed?
Helping all students be successful through graduation and beyond is part of our Catholic, Jesuit mission, and our core value of “cura personalis,” or “care for the whole person.” It’s why we offer a wide variety of services designed to assist students in everything from academic help and career preparation to life skills coaching and mental health care.
For more information, visit Student Support Services.

Rockhurst Results
Career and graduate school placement rate
Top-3 private university in Missouri for median graduate salaries
More than 92% of alumni who go on to graduate/professional school attend their first-choice program
How Can Students Get Involved on Campus?
When a student feels a sense of belonging in college, they are more likely to graduate on time. With more than 50 organizations to be a part of and activities on campus every night, there are a lot of opportunities for students at Rockhurst to find their people and hone their leadership skills.
For more information on student life, see our Campus Life page.
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