Reporting Your Illness
- Individuals who have illness symptoms that prevent attending class, clinicals, or work must notify their instructor or supervisor.
Quarantine and Isolation
- If you experience symptoms after being in close contact with someone who has tested positive, you should isolate immediately and get tested.
- If you test positive, you should not come to class or to work and should follow CDC guidelines with respect to isolation and quarantine requirements. If you have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive, but you have tested negative and you are not symptomatic (or you have confirmed COVID-19 within the past 90 days), you are not required to quarantine. However, you should wear a well-fitting mask for 10 full days any time you are around others inside your home or in public – and you should test five days after your last close contact with the COVID positive individual.
- If you test negative, yet you are having symptoms, you should consult the CDC guidelines with respect to isolation and quarantine requirements.
- If you experience COVID symptoms, it is important to be tested. Please obtain a COVID test from your local pharmacy or grocery store.
- For COVID testing and treatment of symptoms, you can also visit Saint Luke's Convenient Care | Rockhurst University.
- For the COVID vaccine and boosters, please visit this website to identify local resources -
Should case numbers start to rise, university leadership will consider reinstating reporting, prevention and response activities as needed. Should you need additional information, you can reach out to the following:
- Students: Matt Quick, Ph.D., vice president for student development and athletics, 816-501-4030
- Faculty/Staff: Director of human resources,, 816-501-4555