Our Way of Proceeding
St. Ignatius of Loyola understood himself as a pilgrim, one on journey, intently leaning in. Perhaps we can each glimpse ourselves in this image. We are individuals on journeys in pursuit of the magis, the “more,” in pursuit of deeper understanding, fuller flourishing, greater love - God. Yet, none of us journeys alone; we do so as companions. And, as we journey – Rockhurst, together, collectively animating the University’s mission – let us always strive to:
- Exercise care for one another and ourselves
- Engage complexities and, in dialogue, seek understanding
- Embody love through action
Photo by: Miriam Koopman
Exercise Care
While none of us have uncovered the “easy” button to help navigate life’s complexities, our mission and core values remind us that we can and should regularly hit the “pause” button. As we journey, may we pause often to reflect upon how well we are exercising care for one another and for ourselves, always striving to demonstrate greater care. Avail yourselves of some of the resources available to help promote care:
Mental Health Resources
- Counseling Center
- Sanvello App
- New Directions (Employee Assistance Program for Faculty & Staff)
Physical Health Resources
Spiritual Health Resources
- Campus Ministry
- Rockhurst Masses
- Communal Prayer Wall
- Spaces:
- Mabee Chapel (Mabee Hall)
- Multi-faith Prayer and Meditation Room (Arrupe 110)
Cura Communities
- Students, contact Bill Kriege to learn more.
- Faculty and Staff, contact Stephen Hess to learn more.
Engage Complexity
Our contemporary reality offers no shortage of invitations to embody our mission’s summons to “engage the complexities of the world and to serve as compassionate thoughtful leaders”; indeed, our times cry out for such engagement and service. As people for and with others in the Jesuit tradition, may we readily employ the Principles for Ignatian Conversation, seeking always to pursue and promote dialogue marked by commitment, openness, respect, gratitude, generosity and love.
Embody Love
“Love is shown more in deeds than in words.” These words of St. Ignatius of Loyola are familiar to many and an important reminder that above all love is a verb. To love one another, to demonstrate mutual concern and will good for one another, requires that we labor for the good, that we labor for justice in love. Following are a sampling of opportunities to concretely put love into action.
On-going Opportunities:
- Engage Rockhurst
- Student Organizations
- Employee Resource Groups
- Mission Leave (Staff)