Welcome Future Hawks!
We’re going to achieve more together than you can imagine. That ambition you feel in your core, your ideas, your goals, your future – all can be unlocked at Rockhurst University. We are ready to get started. RU? Submit your deposit to secure your spot at rockhurst.edu/deposit.
Here’s a simple to-do list for admitted freshmen or first-year students to review before arriving on campus:
When: As Soon As Possible
- What: Visit Campus!
If you haven’t already, be sure to schedule your campus visit to learn more about all the amazing opportunities at Rockhurst and take a campus tour. Schedule your visit at rockhurst.edu/visit.
- Join the Conversation on Rockhurst Social Media
Follow Rockhurst University on all our official social media channels to stay updated on all things RU.
- Submit Financial Aid Forms
File your FAFSA at studentaid.gov. Rockhurst’s school code is 002499. The priority deadline is February 1.
- Financial Aid Offers are Released
Offers will continue to be shared on a rolling basis as FAFSAs are received.
- Attend Admitted Students Day
Join us on Rockhurst’s campus to experience a day in the life of a Hawk! Connect with current and future students during an overnight stay in the residence halls and discover what it’s really like to be an RU student. Register at rockhurst.edu/visit.
- Make Your Enrollment Deposit
Reserve your spot in Rockhurst’s Class of 2029 by paying your nonrefundable $200 tuition deposit at rockhurst.edu/deposit.
- Send in Final High School and College Class Transcripts
Send us your official high school and any college coursework transcripts electronically from your school counselor (Parchment, Naviance, etc.) or email them to admissions@rockhurst.edu. These must be received before classes begin so we know what's coming with you to Kansas City. We also accept student-sourced transcripts, which can be emailed to your Rockhurst admission counselor.
- Set Up Your Rockhurst Student Account
Set up your account to get access to your Rockhurst email, student portal and important forms like your housing application. Be sure to check your RU email every day! Set up your account at rockhurst.edu/student-account. You will need your Rockhurst student ID number to set up your account.
- Finalize Housing Plans (Including Roommate)
RU requires all students to live on campus their first two years unless they meet specialized exceptions. You’ll receive info on how to apply for campus housing in the spring of your senior year, and you’ll receive your roommate’s name over the summer. If you have a roommate preference, create a roommate group in the housing software after you complete your housing application. If not, use RoomeeZ in the software to find one, or let us pair you with someone! Learn more at rockhurst.edu/residence-life.
- Register for SOAR New Student Orientation (Required)
Our required summer orientation program, SOAR, gives you a chance to receive your fall course schedule early and learn more about Rockhurst. Look for details coming your way in the spring with SOAR dates starting in the summer.
- Submit Immunization Records and Health Insurance Information
Complete your immunization information form and submit a health insurance waiver (if you do not wish to partake in the Rockhurst health insurance plan). Learn more at rockhurst.edu/healthinsurance.
- Accept Scholarships and Loans
Your scholarship and loans can be accepted on your my.rockhurst.eduportal. You will also need to complete your Master Promissory Note there as well.
- Make Your First Payment
The Business Office sends out electronic billing statements during the summer for your fall semester bills. Payment is due at the time of final registration prior to the beginning of the fall term. You’ll receive information on payment plan options over the summer. Call 816-501-4175 with any questions.
- Order Your Books
Visit rockhurst.edu/bookstoreto order your books for your upcoming classes. Watch the how-to video.
- Reserved Parking – Hawks Fans Only
Not really, but for security reasons you do need a permit to park on campus. Register your vehicle online or opt into parking at rockhurst.edu/parking. You can complete the parking permit form there and pick up your pass at orientation.
- Personal Property Insurance
Although we certainly don’t expect any incidents, students living on campus are responsible for protecting their personal property and making sure it is properly maintained. The University is not responsible or liable for the loss, theft or damage of property maintained by the student. You may wish to obtain personal property insurance. This is recommended, but not mandatory. We work with NSSI to help provide affordable property insurance if you are interested. See the National Student Services, Inc. website for details.
It’s finally time to join us at The Rock! Join us for Welcome Week starting on August 22 for your chance to meet your classmates, get used to living on — or commuting to — campus, and learn all about Rockhurst. Classes start Monday, August 25. If you have a disability and need accommodations, contact Student Accessibility Services: 816-501-4037| rockhurst.edu/sas | Van Ackeren 200F
- Don't Wait, Get Involved!
Rockhurst has more than 50 student organizations, and there are countless ways to meet new people and get involved in something on campus that interests you. Start thinking about what you'd like to do on campus and watch for the Free Stuff Fair to see what's available.
Answers are just a phone call or email away. Connect with Admissions at 816-501-4660 or admissions@rockhurst.edu.