Health Services
At Rockhurst, we are committed to our students’ well-being. Saint Luke's Convenient Care is located in the North Parking Garage (5151 Troost, Suite 200 Kansas City, MO 64110; 816-502-9130). You do not need to be a Saint Luke’s patient to see a provider at Saint Luke’s Convenient Care. Upon your request, Saint Luke’s will share the details of your visit with your primary care provider. If you need a follow-up visit with a physician, Saint Luke’s can provide a referral for you.
Also, virtual apps are offered by many health insurance companies and related providers, including Aetna's Academic Live Care and Saint Luke’s Health System.
Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP)
Enrollment in the University-sponsored Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP) is mandatory for all full-time undergraduate (12 credit hours or more) and graduate (nine credit hours or more) students. Exceptions include full-time graduate students in the MBA, Data Analytics and Organizational Leadership program (accelerated option), Executive MBA, DO/MBA, MBA/PHY, AA/AS, RN to BSN, MSN, M.Ed., Ed.D and post-baccalaureate students who all may voluntarily enroll in this program. ABSN and certificate students are also exempt from the hard waiver.
Students must actively attend classes and remain enrolled with Rockhurst for the first 31 days of each term to be eligible for coverage. Those who wish to waive the SHIP must do so by September 6. This alternate coverage must be active by August 1 for the waiver to be approved. Students carrying four or more credit hours per semester may elect to have the SHIP if they are not in the mandatory student group.
Additional information on the SHIP waiver and enrollment process can be found here.
Rockhurst University requires ALL new students to complete the TB questionnaire and all residential students need to provide proof of two MMR vaccines and a meningitis vaccine. The process can be completed using the option below.
More information on vaccinations and the TB questionnaire can be found here.