We know that members of our campus community can face unexpected barriers to success and periodically benefit from additional support. Rockhurst University is dedicated to support where possible. With this in mind, the University offers a limited number of Magdalena Mini-grants for students, staff and faculty. These are intended for companions navigating emergencies or financial hardships outside of their control. Such circumstances could include but are not limited to:
- Family reasons
- Access to learning materials
- Medical emergencies
- Accidents
- Emergency travel
The average size of a Magdalena Mini-grant is $350, with a cap of $500. In turn, we encourage companions to explore additional resources in circumstances where need exceeds the scope of mini-grants. RU & Community Resources. Mini-grants may not be applied to tuition, room, board or other fees on one's Rockhurst account.
How to Apply?
Students, staff and faculty of Rockhurst University may request an emergency mini-grant by completing the application. Requests will be reviewed by a small committee. All requests, discussions and decisions of this committee will be strictly confidential. Application decisions will generally be made within six business days from the receipt of the application request.
Who is Magdalena?
St. Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Jesuits, spent months recovering from a cannonball injury. This time of convalescence proved a crucial turning point in his life. Magdalena, St. Ignatius’ sister-in-law, served as his primary caretaker and was instrumental in his life’s new trajectory, one that resulted in founding the Society of Jesus. We name these mini-grants in Magdalena’s honor, hoping that the support allows companions to thrive and, in their own unique ways, contribute to making our good world better.
How to Contribute?
Interested in supporting Magdalena Mini-grants for companions? Give to the "Love in Action" Fund.