What is the Faculty and Staff Campaign?
It is a tradition of giving that creates a spirit of philanthropy among our University community, with every dollar directly benefiting Rockhurst students, facilities and program developments.
What is the purpose of it?
The campaign builds loyalty to RU, sends a message to those outside of Rockhurst that we believe in and support our own product, funds priorities at Rockhurst, and provides well-deserved recognition to all faculty and staff donors.
Is this the same as the United Way campaign?
No. While both are worthwhile causes, the Faculty and Staff Campaign is managed by RU's Office of Annual Giving with a committee of Rockhurst employees. All gifts made to the Faculty and Staff Campaign directly benefit programs and students at Rockhurst.
Why is annual giving so important?
Annual support is necessary to sustain the University year after year. Unrestricted gifts to the Rockhurst Fund support the University's budget, programs, departments, and scholarship funds. Tuition only covers about 60 percent of the cost of a Rockhurst education. The University makes up the difference with endowment income and gifts to the Rockhurst Fund.
How can I contribute?
Give online or complete a physical pledge form, which can be picked up in Gina Speese’s office, Massman 235A. You can also support RU with a gift of stock, a pledge to be paid later, or by naming Rockhurst in your will. Contact Gina Speese with questions at 816-501-4731 or gina.speese@rockhurst.edu.
How does payroll deduction work?
Payroll deduction is one of the fastest, easiest and most convenient ways to make a gift. You simply specify the amount to deduct from each paycheck. You can support one or more designations. The ongoing gift can be deducted until further notice, or until a specific total amount has been reached.
Can I designate my gift to something specific on campus?
How much should I contribute?
You determine the size and designation of your gift according to your charitable interests, personal willingness to give, and financial capacity. Your participation is more important than the size of the gift.
Can my "small" gift really make an impact?
Yes! Gifts of any size make an impact. Making a gift shows your support for RU, its mission, and its students.
Can I make an anonymous gift?
Yes. Please note your preference when making your gift.
Can I make a gift jointly with my spouse?
Yes. Please note your spouse's name on the gift form. Remember to check if your spouse's company has a matching gift program. You can obtain this form from the company's human resources department.
What are the tax benefits of giving to RU?
All gifts to Rockhurst University are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. The University issues gift receipts for each gift.
I have already made a gift to Rockhurst this year. Will it count toward our goals?
All gifts to the University made after July 1 of the current fiscal year count toward the current year's faculty and staff participation rates.