Rockhurst University Policy on Religious Adjustments for Students
I. Policy Statement
It is the policy of Rockhurst University to create reasonable adjustments for students who, due to religious observance, expect to be absent or endure a significant hardship during certain days of their academic course or program.
II. Policy Purpose
To promote Rockhurst University’s commitment to diversity, advancement of inclusion, and support of students regardless of religious affiliation or non-affiliation.
III. Definitions
The following definitions apply to the terms in this policy:
a. “Reasonable adjustment” means coordinating with the student on scheduling examinations or other assignments or activities necessary for completion of the course or program and includes rescheduling examinations or activities or offering different times for examinations or activities without creating an undue hardship on the student or faculty member or resulting in a fundamental alteration to the nature or operation of the academic program or course. In determining whether a requested adjustment poses an undue hardship or fundamental alteration, the assessment may include, but is not limited to, evaluating the impact on the overall resources, standards or structure of the course and/or program. Before concluding that a particular adjustment would impose an undue hardship or a fundamental alteration, the University will consider alternative adjustments.
b. “Religious holidays” means holidays for reasons of faith or conscience or for organized activities conducted under the auspices of a religious denomination, church, or religious organization.
IV. Procedures for Requesting a Religious Adjustment
a. A student seeking adjustments under this policy must provide a written request to the student’s faculty member (via email is acceptable) within fourteen (14) calendar days after the first day of classes of the academic semester or at least five days before the observance if the observance occurs within the first five days of the semester in which the student is requesting adjustments; and identifying the specific dates the student requests adjustments. If a student is requesting religious adjustments for multiple classes, the student must submit a written request to each of their faculty members.
b. The faculty member will evaluate and respond to all requests to reasonably accommodate a student and may require the student to provide additional information about the request. Please be aware that off campus work such as clinical rotations may not be able to be adjusted. The faculty member may consult with the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion or other appropriate University officials in evaluating the student’s adjustment request. The faculty member may deny an adjustment request if it results in the fundamental alteration of the nature or operation of the academic program or course or creates an undue hardship.
c. The faculty member will provide the student with a written decision via email regarding the adjustment request within 5 business days of receiving the request.
V. Appeals Procedures
a. A student may appeal a decision made by the faculty member under this policy by submitting the appeal in writing to the Office of the Dean of the respective school or college of the class the student is seeking adjustments no later than five (5) calendars after the faculty member’s decision on the requested adjustment. The decision of the Dean or designee will be final.
VI. Questions Regarding the Policy
a. Questions about the interpretation or application of the Policy on Religious Adjustments on Students should be raised with the Office of Mission and Ministry:
Vice President for Mission & Ministry
O (816) 501-4121
VII. Policy Review
a. This policy will be reviewed annually by the faculty senate with appropriate feedback solicited from relevant constituents including students.
Approved by Faculty Senate 4/21/2023