Rockhurst University also supports learning experiences afforded by involvement in co-curricular activities, such as student leadership conferences, athletics, theater competitions, etc. Often these co-curricular activities require students to represent Rockhurst University and to be “on location” somewhere off campus for both the participation in the event as well as travel to and from the location. The following guidelines refer to Rockhurst University’s expectations for both students and faculty regarding “on location” activities that result in student absences and missed classwork. The “on location” policy only applies to those authorized co-curricular activities that have been approved by the appropriate Dean’s or Provost’s office and verified to the faculty members impacted.
Student Expectations
A Rockhurst University student engaged regularly in approved co-curricular activities that will necessitate missing classes is expected to do the following:
1. Inform each of his/her instructors about his/her participation at the beginning of the academic semester, indicating which classes will be missed.
2. Agree to an appropriate procedure for obtaining the missed class notes and other coursework.
3. Recognize that authorized absences for co-curricular activities do still count towards the total absences allowed in a course, and absences allowed under the “excessive absence” policy (as noted above in the Undergraduate Attendance Policy) are not considered “in addition” to those granted to students who participate in authorized activities (e.g., if a student knows that 4 classes will be missed for athletic events, this does not mean they are allowed a total of 10 absences in a 3 credit hour MWF class).
4. Understand that absences are “authorized” only when they are documented by the appropriate Dean’s office. The “on location” policy does not extend to include practice time, team meals, or departure preparations prior to the time a team, group, or student is expected to leave on a trip.
Faculty Expectations
Rockhurst University faculty is asked to respect the educational value that co-curricular activities add to a student’s education. Faculty is expected to:
- Refrain from academically penalizing a student whose absence has been authorized by the Dean’s office.
- Work with students involved in official co-curricular activities to provide a mechanism for students to receive missed information or to participate in tests, assignments or other classroom work.
- In their academic advising role, become familiar with the information in the online resource “Academic Advising” located on the RU website under academics/academic support. In particular, a section entitled “Advising the Student-Athlete” is included for faculty information.
- Immediately notify their Dean’s office when a student is believed to be abusing the policy.
- Students and faculty are asked to communicate expectations and needs clearly so that the value of classroom education is not minimized and at the same time students are still afforded the opportunities of participation in co-curricular activities.