Updated 10/15/2021
General Guidelines
Drinking is as much a part of University life as it is part of life in our larger culture, and it inevitably brings the same problems here that it introduces elsewhere. Learning a mature attitude toward alcohol while in college prepares one to handle it in society after leaving college. We intend by this policy to make alcohol less obtrusive on campus, to help students learn to approach alcohol in a more mature and responsible manner, and promote a safer environment for the Rockhurst Community.
The University is obligated to observe and abide by the laws of the state of Missouri regulating drinking and to safeguard those persons whose rights and safety are threatened by irresponsible drinking behavior on campus or off.
By Missouri State Law, it is illegal for anyone under the age of 21 to drink alcohol. Therefore, the use of alcoholic beverages by students under the age of 21 is both illegal and unacceptable. Under-age students, regardless of their place of residence, whether on campus or returning to campus, with alcohol on their breath or other signs of intoxication will be considered in violation of the law and university policy. Under-age drinkers may be subject to disciplinary procedures outlined elsewhere in this handbook. Rockhurst University reserves the right to notify the parent(s) of underage students who violate the Alcohol policy (see Parental/Legal Guardian Notification of Alcohol and Other Drug Violations policy for more details) and/or refer violations of the law to civil authorities for prosecution.
In Missouri, a minor in possession of alcohol is a misdemeanor and may result in a court ordering community service and alcohol education classes as well as subjecting the minor to an “Abuse and Lose” law which can result in driver’s license suspension or revocation if the minor is in the possession or use of alcohol while operating a motor vehicle. The serving, purchasing, selling, or in any way providing alcoholic beverages to or for anyone who is under the age of 21 is a misdemeanor violation under Missouri State Law that may result in up to a year in prison or a fine of up to $1,000.
Students under the legal drinking age may not attend or be present at locations, on campus or off, where alcohol is being served or consumed unless there is a licensed third party vendor actively responsible for the distribution of alcohol (i.e. a restaurant setting). Examples of events with alcohol prohibited for those under the legal drinking age include, but are not limited to, house parties and tailgates. Activities with third party vendors must include licensed parties checking government issued IDs for the purchase of alcohol, and verification that only those who are of age are consuming legally purchased alcohol products. Presence of a Rockhurst student, regardless of age, at unauthorized events constitutes a violation of university policy regardless of their personal use of alcohol.
Persons of legal drinking age who choose to imbibe alcohol should do so responsibly, drinking moderately without becoming drunk. Alcohol use raises legal and social concerns, and students must recognize the potential for liability which alcohol consumption creates, including the potential for personal liability. Students must recognize that when alcoholic beverages are misused, problems will arise, and they must accept the responsibility for preventing and coping with these problems. They should become increasingly aware of the problems associated with alcohol abuse in our society. Individual differences are to be respected, and drinking must be seen as a matter of choice (provided the person is of legal drinking age). Choosing not to drink is socially acceptable, and even preferable on campus and at University sponsored events. Social activities should have clear purposes other than the consumption of alcoholic beverages. The University believes in the importance of on-going educational programs to help community members understand the advantages of a healthy lifestyle, the consequences of the use and abuse of alcohol, and the importance of personal and community responsibility. To this end, the University sponsors programs to educate students in the responsible use of alcohol.
Rockhurst University encourages students who believe that alcohol is having an unfavorable effect on their every-day life, who believe they have an alcohol or substance abuse problem, or who believe a fellow student has an alcohol or substance abuse problem, to seek assistance through such campus resources as the Residence Life staff and the Counseling Center. The University may refer students with problems beyond its means to outside rehabilitative or counseling services.
Alcohol In The Residential Buildings
Students 21 years of age or older are permitted to have alcoholic beverages in the privacy of their room/house, but only if all roommates/housemates are also 21 years of age or older. This privilege is limited to private space and does not extend to communal areas of the building, hallways, or other areas on campus. Students should be respectful of the rights of others, particularly regarding excessive noise or matters of personal privacy.
Students under the legal drinking age may not be in the company of a student who is drinking or has an open alcoholic beverage container, whether the drinking student is of legal age or not. In such an association, both students are subject to disciplinary action.
This restriction applies to underage university guests as well. Guests of legal drinking age may not consume, provide, or possess alcoholic beverages in the presence of anyone under the legal drinking age, nor may they store, for their own consumption, alcohol in any student’s room, if that student is under the legal drinking age.
Large quantities/common sources of alcohol are not allowed. A common source is defined as a quantity of alcohol that provides alcohol for more than one person. A common source includes, but is not limited to: kegs, party balls, pony kegs, liquor containers greater than one pint, or beer in excess of one six-pack. Therefore, each room with individuals of legal drinking age is limited to having only one of the following in their residence: one six-pack of beer, or one four-pack of wine coolers or other similar beverage, or one pint of alcohol, or one bottle of wine.
Students not of legal drinking age are not permitted to have in their possession, or in on-campus spaces, containers originally used to hold alcoholic beverages. For example, a beer case of ‘empties’ may not be used as furniture nor may empty bottles be used as decorative items. Alcoholic beverages may not be stored in any student room if the residents are under the legal drinking age.
Any student or guest found in possession of, providing, or consuming alcohol in violation of the University Alcohol Policy will be required to immediately pour out all alcohol in the presence of a university staff member.
Alcohol And Sobriety On-Campus
Students who are 21 years of age or older are permitted to have alcoholic beverages at a limited number of social events on the University campus. Students who are of legal drinking age and attending events on campus not specifically designated as student functions may also be served alcoholic beverages when these are available to other guests. Examples of such events are the receptions following Visiting Scholar Lectures and the Center for Arts and Letters cultural programs. However, students who appear to have been drinking excessively may be refused admission or asked to leave the event. Furthermore, this policy applies to all common areas on-campus. Students found in violation may be subject to disciplinary procedures outlined elsewhere in this handbook.
Alcoholic beverages ordinarily will not be served or present at on-campus functions sponsored by student clubs or organizations. Exceptions to this must be requested in writing at least one week in advance of the event, and will require the approval the Dean of Students or his/her designee. On those occasions when alcohol is served at events attended by students, signs reading “21 and over please” must be prominently displayed in close proximity to where the alcohol is served, and appropriate measures should be taken by those who serve to ensure that only individuals who are of age are served. Measures taken may include, but are not limited to, verifying identification, wristbands, limiting the number of alcohol-containing beverages consumed, etc.
Students are not to purchase alcoholic beverages for, or deliver them to, any underage student. Transportation of alcoholic beverages must follow city and state laws, e.g. No alcoholic beverage containers may be open while in transit from one location to another. When transporting alcoholic beverages on campus, students are to carry the alcoholic beverages in covered packages. University employees are authorized to check suspicious covered packages/boxes in trash bags, bags showing tops of bottles, coolers, suitcases, duffle bags, etc.
Alcohol At Athletic Events
Alcohol is prohibited at all athletic events, whether on or off campus.
Alcohol At Off-Campus Events Sponsored By Student Organizations
A student organization-sponsored event is defined as an event that is sponsored by a student club or organization, including fraternities and sororities, regardless of funding for the event. Alcohol at all off-campus events sponsored by University-recognized student clubs or organizations must be provided by a licensed third party vendor or be held at a licensed establishment (a venue that has a current liquor license). For further information regarding off-campus events sponsored by student organizations, see the Social Event Policy.
Sponsors of social activities are expected to limit alcohol to moderate amounts and to keep the focus of the party or event on social interaction rather than alcohol consumption. Food and non-alcoholic beverages should be available in sufficient quantity for the number of persons attending the event, and must be displayed with prominence equal to the alcoholic beverages.
Legal Liability For Serving Alcoholic Drinks
Students are reminded that they may share legal responsibility for the safety and welfare of fellow students who become a danger to themselves or others. The law provides that individuals may be liable for damages or injury resulting from serving alcoholic beverages to persons of any age. Furthermore, any organization or its members responsible for sponsoring an event may be subject to legal prosecution if alcohol is served and minors are present.
Alcohol In Advertising Of Events
Advertising that states or suggests that alcohol will be available at an event is prohibited for student organization-sponsored events. The Office of Student Development must approve advertising before it is displayed.
Alcohol Purchases With Student Activity Fee Funds
The University prohibits alcohol purchases with student activity fee funds.